Sunday, June 12, 2011

Care Bear Stare!

The problem with Rock Band is that I don't know enough of the songs. As I said tonight, what I need is Pop Band. I could really kick butt at Pop Band.  Kick butt and flash devil horns. Yeah.

I burnt my tongue on soup tonight. Like my whole tongue. I didn't even know the soup was that hot. How do I do these things?

By the way, "cursing up a blue streak." This came up in conversation tonight, and someone asked about the etymology of it. I didn't know so I decided to look it up this evening and here is what I found:

"All of which brings us to “blue streak,” which means “with great intensity or speed” and originated in the US in the early 18th century.  In all likelihood, the term did arise by analogy to the speed and force of a bolt of lightning, especially in “talk a blue streak,” meaning to speak rapidly and excitedly.  The “blue” in “curse a blue streak” probably also invokes “blue” in the sense of “obscene.”  A similar phrase, “blue blazes” (“And the two Jacobs swore like blue blazes agin him,”1858), was originally a reference to the fires of Hell, where it is said that brimstone burns with a pale blue flame."- The Word Detective

So your picture of hell in your mind with all the reds and oranges? Well apparently in 1858 that picture was blue tinted, not red. Interesting, no? I mean it makes sense... all the hottest fires are blue or white... but it's strange to tint the scene to the cool side in my head... because those are the cool colors.

I really hope I'm not the only person who makes faces at herself in the mirror everyday....

I realized today that 3 of the 35 or so girls I graduated HS with have had twins... it's been 10 years and we already have 3 sets of twins from my grade- all girls having 2 girls. Seriously I think someone might have done a genetic experiment on us in grade school or something. I mean unless everyone had a class called "Biogenetic Mutation, Hyperovulation, and You" in kindergarten... Anyway, it makes me think I should be prepared for a someday in which I have two girls at once. Memphis, MO screwing up the national average since 2001.

I have a heart scar on my pinkie finger. Sometimes I feel like a secret Care Bear. But now I'm starting to think that's where they shot us up with twin-making drugs.

"I caaaaare! IIIIII CAAAARE!"

1 comment:

  1. "Memphis, MO: screwing up the national average since 2001," regarding how many twins have been born in your town? It must be said, and I'm pregnant so I'll say it - nice pun.


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