Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is it still swearing if it's not a curse in your country?


I have a friend whose girlfriend is from Northern Ireland. I know, that's cool, right? She is in the States for a bit and I went to a party she was at yesterday and at some point the conversation went to all the differences in slang between the States/Northern Ireland/the rest of Ireland.

And "flip" is a curse word across the sea. I didn't know that, but I already use it as such relatively often, and honestly it just makes it more fun to me... Apparently I have a dirty mouth across the pond...  Maybe this is why my British GPS disapproves of me, though I've noticed he seems to throw around the British curse words pretty willy nilly. I guess he thinks it's not ok for a lady. Yeah, I think he's rather stuffy, too.

So I've noticed that without fail I want to spell definitely with an "a"- Aka- definately. I want definitely to be related to defiantly, I think. Seems like they probably are... Like "definitely" and "defiantly" have the same great-great-great grandparents or something. You know, etymologically speaking.

Hells to the yeah, I did just have a reason to use the phrase "etymologically speaking."

Today I was at a cookout and it was muggy and hot and then I started to feel a few drops of rain... and I wondered if we would all run away to our respective burrows... (don't get me started on how I wish that we all really did live in something akin to a rabbit warren where all our houses were connected by underground passageways) and then I thought, "Wait... why not let it rain on me? It's crazy hot, and this will cool me off." I wish the sky had really opened up and let the rain rain rain come down down down... but it didn't. It was a brief respite that never really turned into anything.

I'm a little sad. I think I would have liked a deluge- at least I would have then. Seems like there might be something really freeing in letting oneself get caught in a rainstorm.

Perhaps that is an adventure to go on the list. Go out in a rainstorm.

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