Thursday, June 16, 2011

I could be a contenda'

If you go to my actual blog to read it, rather than in something akin to Google Reader, you may notice my new little button on the left side there, under my followers. You see, I read someone else's blog (hi Cmom!) who told me about this contest... and I thought, "what the heck! I might as well try!"

So this afternoon I took my guest blog from in early May and I reworked it a bit and cut it down to 500 words... And let me tell you, that was *way* down.  And then I submitted it to Blogger Idol. And now I just have to sit here for 5 days and not bite my beautiful fingernails, because my manicurist isn't going to want to put fake nails on my fingers again. It can't hurt, you know, and maybe I will find new blogs to enjoy and new people to enjoy my blog... and maybe nothing will come of it, but at least I'm trying... Don't want to have a lot of what ifs in my life. And this seems pretty low risk, even if I am telling you all about it. I know you'll still love me even if I never make something of myself. :)

In other news, I would like to endorse a product:
I love this. I bought it at Barnes and Noble and I think it's a wonderful thing to keep in my purse. This little box of questions is part game, part conversation starter, and all glorious interaction. It gets people talking about themselves, you learn interesting tidbits, and get lost on rabbit trails that take you halfway to Wonderland before you realize you've gone off the path.

For example, tonight we played with it and my favorite question was, "Humbleness aside, what do you in all honesty think is your most likable quality?"

I liked hearing what others said, even though "humblebility" isn't a word.  Unconditional positive regard,  mothering instincts, humor, honesty, ect... there are so many reasons to like people!

Now as an extrovert (or is it as a perceiver?) I had a hard time coming up with an answer for myself, but I have nice friends who offered up suggestions and then warned me not to get a big head. (Little did that person know I already have a ginormous noggin. No really, I do.  Seriously. I blogged about it. I blogged about it not just once. I blogged about it 3 times. But that was quite some time ago, so it only makes sense that it should come back around again.  It just took 9 months to make the full circle of my gargantuan cranium.) Anyway, the suggestion that I settled on was my sincerity. I like that quite a bit, so it makes sense that others would like that about me. There isn't a lot about me that is hidden. I'd rather people just know who I am... It isn't so much that I'm honest, though I mainly am... it's more just that I'm genuine.. or at least I try to be. How very post modern of me. I just be who I am, who I is. :) The other suggestion was my humor. :D I'm happy to accept that, cause it means that someone else thinks I'm funny besides myself. Speaking of finding oneself funny, Melissa found a quote today on pinterest that I feel should be shared (though I'm editing the language)

"Why does Facebook let me like my own status? Of course I like my status. I'm freaking hilarious. And sexy."

And that my friends is where I take my leave. Stay hilarious... and sexy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love that you entered Blogger Idol! Yours was one of the blogs I was thinking about when I said there were blogs out there that needed to be read. If you touch just one person like your blog has touched me....your blog will be a success. Congratulations for entering....and good luck!!!!!


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