Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why me?

Something I've been thinking a lot lately, "why me?"

Now I know that sounds like a dangerous question, but I don't mean it in the sense that most quickly springs to mind. I'm not asking why bad things happen to me... I think that's part of what not living in heaven is. When I've been asking, "why me" lately what I've actually been thinking about is what makes people compatible. Like, out of all the girls in Scholars House my sophomore year- a place full of intelligent girls with lots in common with me- why did Kara and I hit it off? It's arguable that there were plenty of girls who I had more in common with, or more similar personality styles, ect, but Kara and I clicked. Why me?

Since Nathan's death I've had conversations with a lot of people. And some of those people I've just *clicked* with and some I haven't and it's not something I seem to be able to predict at all. There is this ineffable-ness that just works sometimes and suddenly I'm having a weird day if I don't talk to a person who 6 months ago I would have been surprised to hear from. And I just wish I could figure it out... what is it about me and this person that clicks. What is missing when there is a person who I don't click with? (Notably, I think you can still be very close friends with people who you don't click with... it just takes more effort.) Maybe if I could define it I could recreate it.

I was discussing this with Katie and she said that she's noticed that it's easier for people to form friendships with people who are similar to people they already have relationships with. (So it's easier for her to make friends with people who are like her parents and her sister and her highschool best friend.) It's rather like your family makes up a starter relationship set for you. I think Katie is smart and this makes a lot of sense, but something still seems to be missing. Perhaps it's just that I don't recognize patterns but it seems like there are people who I click with who aren't like my family or first friends... so is there something more?

I'm not sure. What are your thoughts? I could sit around and talk about relationships all ding-dong-dang day long.

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