Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sister, songs, and squad

Spoke to my sister online tonight for about an hour...

The thing about sisters is that no matter how little you talk to each other, they still know you so well. There is so little you can say that will surprise them and once you grow past the age of trying to make them angry at every possible moment (and vice versa) the knowledge that is gained by having the same upbringing is invaluable. There are things about me that no one else in the world will ever quite understand the way that Rhonda does. She has been right by my side through some really hard stuff this year (literally), but she still sees me for exactly who I am and who I am not, not some construct that she's created in her own mind of who I should be. She doesn't push me but she's always right there if I need her, and I'm pretty well insanely grateful that I have such a wonderful girl to always have my back.

I'm almost done with the work on the game now.. just a few more hours of cleaning up text from what I imagined to what is actually possible, and I will be done. I've really enjoyed working on it, and I'm sad that it's going to be over soon. I mean besides the fact that it's just fun to say I'm working on a video game, I really enjoy doing it. I will let you know when I have more information to release.

Oh here is something to share with you all- A very cool video of a song spliced together from a bunch of Disney movies... I love it. And check out his other stuff, too... Lots of songs from nostalgic movies!

I've been going to bed at a far more reasonable time than had been my norm over the past month or so, so I think I will leave it here for now... Results for "Blogger Idol" will be out on Friday... I'm really curious to see if I made the cut or not.... and if there is a Steven Tyler lecherous old man judge... cause that would be kinda funny. I hope there isn't a Randy, cause for me for him I just think he's a'ight, dawg. Ya know what I'm saying?

In other news, who is surprised that all the contestants on "The Voice" who won America's vote the first time won it the second time? Not me. I really like the show but the elimination process is kinda whack.

Wiggity whack?

Nope, just regular type.

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