Friday, June 3, 2011

Free food and Posters

Currently Rocking: some totes adorbs low curly pigtails and sparkly nails. I had to remove the french tip manicure as it was chippin' like the dickens and so I chose to replace it with some subtle... or perhaps not subtle... sparkle. But it makes me happy and that's all one should really ever ask for in a nail polish.

I also got a free cupcake, today, so, you know, good day.

Oh! And I went to a restaurant tonight and they didn't tell me they were out of the thing I ordered until everyone else's food came out so I ended up getting my "replacement" for free.  People were just throwing food at me today... in a strictly figurative kind of way. No actual food is marring my lovely curly-tails.

I also discovered this today. They are selling posters and the proceeds go to the United Way Small Business Fund to help jump start Joplin's economy. PLUS the posters are all in light blue and red! Score!

I didn't nap today.. or yesterday. I'm sorta crazy tired, so I'll just leave you with this.

Why is it that when you are nervous/unsure you don't know what to do with your hands? I mean what do we normally do with our hands when we are just hanging out? Why are our hands suddenly what we become conscious of? Is it just a matter of being the thing most likely to move that is in one's line of sight?


Also, checkers is a boring game.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what is wrong with me. I hate board games, but I actually like playing checkers.


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