Friday, June 17, 2011

With special guest appearance by my British GPS

Today, I saw a build of the game I've been working on. Twas quite thrilling to see the characters say things that I wrote, and do things I came up with. It's gonna be a fun game... even if it is for the childrens. You should all buy it... you know, once I tell you what it is and it's actually released.

On to important news:

Today is a momentous occasion. Today marks the birth of two very special ladies in my life.

The first is my mother, who was born on this day more than 30 years ago... but not that many more...

The second is my bff Kara, who was born on this day less than 30 years ago... much much less.

I love them both muchly, and I'll see my mom on Sunday when she rolls into town... Kara, I shall see tomorrow when I roll out of bed, because we are going to go on birthday errands. It will be very exciting I'm sure. :)

Also, today someone commented on my blog and said she felt like a stalker, because she found my blog through a friend of a friend and has been reading it since then. Here is the thing. Her comment made my day. I love that there are people out there who are reading my blog who I don't know personally. It validates me, gives me warm fuzzies, and makes me convinced that if the Taliban got to know me they really would like me. So, if you read my blog and we are like the hummingbirds who had also never met, (once again, if you haven't seen it before, go read this) don't be scared or shy! Keep reading! Throw a comment out there every once in a while! I promise not to judge you, except to think that you are cool cause you are taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Unless you don't want to be thought of as cool, because you are a hipster and too many people want to be cool for cool to be cool anymore. (Didja follow that one?) If that is the case then I just won't judge you at all.. it's not really my style anyway. I like you too much to judge you.

Fo shizzle, yo diggity.

My British GPS is shaking his head in disgust and muttering about "lady drivers and people who insist on speaking absolute bullocks."

Well, then, until next time, mates! Cheerio!


  1. Everyone's always hating on the hipsters. I think it's glasses envy. ;)

    P.S. For some reason it feels very special to be commenting on your blog at 1 in the morning. Okay, maybe I fell asleep at 8 and woke up all sleep-confused, but I feel just a teeny bit of kinship with you for being up at this hour. Because usually, I'm the first one asleep, always getting the pennies on the forehead and the shaving cream in the hand and the hand in the tub of water and the frozen bra. I'm not sure if that last one was a real thing or if my middle school girlfriends just ran out of ideas. I fell asleep early a lot.

    But yay for insomnia!

  2. I think the first one is a real thing (I never did it, but I think it's real) but the pennies on the forehead thing?? I think that one might have been your middle school girlfriends making stuff up.

  3. Like so many other pranks, it was supposed to make you pee. I can happily report that it doesn't work (and blessedly, neither did the hand in the water). The frozen bra occurred in July, and since they forgot to soak it in water first, it was really just... refreshing.

  4. The penny thing did lead me to discover my own private superpower, Sticking Coins to My Head and They Pretty Much Stay There Forever. It turned out to be a rather profitable party trick in college.


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