Saturday, June 18, 2011

Somethin' special

So, by accidentally sleeping through my blog post last night (sorry, didn't mean to worry you all!) I was able to get 10.5 hours of sleep and still be up and around at 9:30. Then I worked on the video game for an hour and a half, and then I altered a dress for Kara, and then I went to the house of some friends and helped them paint for approximately 7 hours. It was a good day. There is something I really like about painting... I find it rather soothing. I think it's just something that Mom/Mom, Rhonda, and I did so often growing up that I really have strong associations with positive memories. Plus, I love being able to step back and see all the work that I've accomplished/helped to accomplish. And people are always insanely grateful for your help so you kinda feel like a super hero... a paint splattered, really sweaty and gross superhero. Also, I feel like I'm working out but with an actual purpose rather than just to do it.. and I don't feel bad about making 3 chocolate chip cookies to eat, tonight. (Tub o' pre-made cookie dough... best *and* worst invention ever!)

After painting I came home and took a cold shower.... One of the things I really like about summer is taking a cold shower after a hot day.... I realize there are a lot of people out there who find that strange, but I really like cold to cool showers. I think it's because I really dislike sweating and a cool shower both washes away sweat, and lowers my body temperature, meaning I will be less likely to sweat the rest of the day. And it's just so gosh darn refreshing.

Some events of the past few days have made me realize some things. 1) My tolerance for awkward situations is extremely high. 2) I'm a very open person. 3) I'm a straight shooter. Now maybe I already knew this about myself, but the past few days have really driven it home to me. I'd rather the truth just be out so that everyone can deal with it. I think a lot of time non-issues become issues because people are afraid of the awkward. Where as I dive right into the awkward like it's a ball pit.... (Side note: Dang... ball pits! Where is an adult ball pit? That sounds like mondo fun. Who's with me!?!) Anyway. I'd rather just be open and honest and say what I think than keep it inside to turn into a thing. The exception to this, is of course, if the openness and honesty is going to hurt someone's feelings...Then I'm not a fan at all. Cause hurting people isn't going to make a person feel free, and I think that's really what I'm after. The freedom to be who I am... All wonderful, crazy, awkward, clumsy, glorious me. Me, Sammy Davis Jr, and Finn. We gotta be we.

Gosh, I really do think I'm something special, don't I? Of course, I also think you are something special, so it all works out. Really, you know that, don't you? I think you are something special. I really truly do.

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the ball pits. Also, bouncy castles. Every time I see one, I wish I had a toddler who needed my "supervision" inside one. Although, if I went in to supervise a toddler and just started bouncing around like crazy, ignoring the toddler entirely, people would probably catch on.


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