Saturday, July 28, 2012

10 of 30

Early blog tonight. One because I'm tired, Two because I need to shower, and Three because I have to do something to my nails before tomorrow morning.

Went to Kara's apartment and packed with her and her mom and sister and grandma for about 6 hours... it was fun but I'm pretty wiped out now... I think that physical labor is more exhausting when you are also trying to stay emotionally steady.

Emotional stability was had, but I'm tuckered out.

Also I've done an awful lot of Bolt throwing around lately and that's a workout. Go, go upper arm strength!

So I guess I'll throw out number 10 on the list really quick:

10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

 Here's the thing... I don't know what my most embarrassing moment is. I have either blocked it from my memory because it was *that* embarrassing or I don't get embarrassed very easily....

Actually I think I get embarrassed relatively easily, but I don't recall it as embarrassing... I recall it as funny. So I don't know when I was most embarrassed cause it's such a fleeting thing.

Sorry, I know you might think this is a cop-out, but it's the truth!

Here- I'll make up a story... one time I met the President of the United States and I said, "It's nice to meet you, Madame President. " It was terrible.

Dang, even my fake embarrassment is rubbish.

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