Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I am Crafter. Hear me roar!

I really like making stuff.

Tonight I made a painting...

Well, I made a painting after getting paint all over my clothes, and then- when taking off my tank top- all over my face.

If I had a husband he would have been chuckling fondly at me. If not straight out guffawing loudly at me.

I was a right mess.

I should have taken a picture.

Oh well. After getting myself slightly cleaned up, I made a painting.

Cool, right!? On facebook I linked to this guy's youtube where he time lapsed this painting... So I watched the video and then I painted my version.  Ohhh yeah, I'm that good. PLUS I did it without a fan brush, cause I don't own any. :)

It's really strange how much easier it is for me to paint something from a picture rather than from real life. 

The idea was for it to go into this frame.

 But I don't think I'm sold on it... Not sure that there is a high enough contrast between the frame and the picture. I may try painting something else... but don't worry I won't paint over it- I love this painting... I may just have to hang it without a frame.

Speaking of hanging things in frames... Check out what I did the other night! I glued some fabric in a 4 dollar frame.

I think that looks pretty great! (It actually looks better in person I think. The red doesn't turn so pink.)


I swear I'll get my place decorated yet!.

And when I do, I'm sure I'll take pictures to show off to you.


  1. That fabric is gorgeous. Let me know if you have any scraps. ;)

    1. Ha! Sorry, Katie, that *was* my scraps... I'm gonna have pillows out of it someday. However I got it at FM Fabrics on the roll a while back so they might have remnants for cheap by now?

    2. I do love FM. But I can't go anymore unless I just have "extra" money - which I never do.


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