Saturday, July 21, 2012


So I have a confession... I thought about not blogging about this because I feel really bad and embarrassed about it. Like... a little heart-brokenly bad.

I wanted to blog about my friend Janis and how cool she is and how she sends me super awesome postcards.

I wanted to blog about Dr. Who.

I wanted to blog about happy trees and rainbows.

But tonight I was reading facebook and came to a post from one of my former teachers. It was about how tomorrow is she and her husband's 28th wedding anniversary.

And that's when I remembered. At 10:45 the day before. And really only because I remembered that this teacher and I shared our anniversaries.

Tomorrow (Today for most of you) is my 5th wedding anniversary.

Now there are lots of excuses I can use to explain why I hadn't been thinking about it. Being very busy with video game stuff, preaching mentoring, grad school stuff. Events in my head looming up like Josh and Kara's ordination, the baby dedication, Josh and Kara moving, upcoming 29th birthday, a trip home, 10 years of friendship with Kara, 1st day of school.

But none of that makes me feel better about the fact that I forgot. I'll admit that I sent Kara an e-mail that had some curse words.

I miss him every. single. day. How could I forget about this day?

The only thing that makes me feel any better about this is that I have Nathan's voice in my head- so real it's *almost* audible

"Sweetheart, it's ok!"


Well, despite not remembering what tomorrow was, I'd made nearly all day plans this week with a small group of  friends... Tomorrow I'm going to a Batmanathon, culminating in going to see the newest Batman film.

How is watching a bunch of super dark movies reassuring? Well, the thing is that Batman Begins (the first movie that we will be watching tomorrow) was Nathan and my first real date. (It took until our 2nd go-round to have a real date.) I can still remember how he wanted to tell everyone that we were dating and he called Paula on the way to the movie theater to let her know that he was going on a date with his girlfriend.

This Batmanathon wasn't my idea... in fact it came from a kinda unexpected source... well, "unexpected" except in that eerily fitting way that makes you think that it isn't all coincidence.

I've never seen the second movie, because I knew how dark it was. So I thought it was a bit strange how excited/interested I was in doing this. But, you know, if Nathan was here, he'd be working so hard to convince me to do this for our anniversary.

So my plans... they kinda feel a bit like Nathan is trying to suppress a fond chuckle as I cry about what a terrible wife I am.

I can almost feel his hand stroking my hair.

I can almost hear his, "Sweetheart! It's fine! You are being ridiculous."

I really miss being called "Sweetheart."


  1. Renee, I just remembered, too. I think it's a subconscious protection. We remember so much, we are reminded so much, that some occasions are just too painful. It IS ok. No one doubts your love for Nathan or that day.

  2. I said it in my email and I'll say again here just to get it on public record: That day - your wedding day - was only ever meant to bring you happiness. And that was hard last year for the remembering, it doesn't need to be hard this year for forgetting. This is a triumph, b/c it means that you are so busy being so utterly you - you are so alive and engaged and present for your life - that the past is losing it's power to hurt you. I think it's great that you didn't spend the past several weeks haunted by the fear of the pain on this approaching day. I think you should remember your wedding fondly, and toast Nathan with all your heart, and watch Batman beat up bad guys, and be happy. You must never be ashamed or sad or sorry for your increasing ability to embrace happiness. And if not remembering until the last is protection like Paula said (oh - how I agree) than you mustn't be sorry for that. Nathan only ever wanted you to be okay - and letting your anniversary sneak up on you b/c your life is becoming wonderful again - that sounds pretty okay to me.


    Also - I just discovered that all my life I thought sneak was spelled with two e's and no a's... Thanks red-under-lineys! Sneek. Doesn't that look sneekier than sneak?

  3. I love Kara's comment. A triumph indeed. Your honesty and your heart are full of beauty. Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us.


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