Sunday, July 1, 2012

A pictorial blog

I was feeling bored and sad that I had nothing to do today and no one to do it with.

And then I said, "Oh please, Renée, grow up. You have lots of things to do and you don't need anyone else to do them with."

And then I was like, "Yeah! You're right! I don't need anyone to get stuff done!"

So then I:

Took out the trash.
Yes, I normally hold the trash that far away from my body and look that irritated when taking it out.

   Changed the light bulb in my ceiling fan that burnt out 2 weeks ago.

Shortness *not* exaggerated

 Replaced the battery in yet another smoke detector that started beeping like a week ago- (also in the middle of the night, but this one was much nicer to me when it came to being reinstalled on the ceiling.)

Neither is the tongue. It's a proven fact that sticking your tongue out helps you reach things.

 Rearranged my bedroom.

I seriously looked *exactly* like this...well, except I wasn't wearing blue shoes.

 Washed and dried my sheets and made my bed.

My quilt is actually a green toilé, but I don't have that much patience to draw it...
However, the height of the bed compared to me is accurate. I literally jump into bed at night.
 Did dishes.

This slightly bemused, happy expression is never actually on my face while doing dishes.

Swept and mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors.

This expression, though, is on my face while mopping all the time.

Hung new art and rearranged some other pieces.

Yes, I stand with one foot crossed over the other while evaluating art in my own home. That's how pretentious I can be.

Rearranged several shelves of knick-knacky things.

All knick-knacks based on actual knick-knacks in my home.

And I didn't need anyone to help me do those things.

Oh sure, having someone around might have been helpful if...

The shelves fell on me.

 Or all the pictures started falling off the walls

 Or I slipped in a puddle on the floor and broke both my arms and both my legs.

Or I was washing the dishes with some sort of radioactive slime that made a really big splash and got in my eyes.

Or a Black Widow spider decided to get all cozy in my newly made bed and brought all it's black widow babies.

 Or I got trapped under my mattress

 Or the chair fell while I was reinstalling the smoke detector.

Or I got electrocuted while putting in the new light bulb.

 Or a scary green monster decided he wanted to eat me instead of my trash.

But none of those things happened, so I was just fine.

You know, apart from being my normal quirky little self.


  1. I laughed out loud.

  2. LOL Yes, shortness NOT exaggerated. And I TOTALLY stick out my tongue when I try to do stuff and I realize it and then stick it back in, embarrassed. Alone, you don't have to do that!


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