Sunday, July 15, 2012

5 of 30

 The 30 things list

5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

1) Kadin and Jeriah (and baby Houf... and Bolt... and Gus)- I love being an aunt or an "aunt." I love that Kadin and Jeriah get super excited whenever I see them. I love that they tell their mom that I need to come and visit. I love that Jeriah said that he wants to marry me, but he can't reach my hands. I love that they have a whole bunch of songs about construction equipment memorized. I love that I am this super special person in their super special little lives. And I love my friends babies, too. I'm really afraid that Bolt won't remember me, but Kara says that won't happen... and Kadin and Jeriah remember me, so hopefully it's true.

2) Not to take a huge left turn, but my nails- I know, I know. So superficial. But I'm really proud of the fact that I can actually grow my nails out-- and I'm proud that they have become little extensions of my artistic leanings.

Today they are maps.

3) Making friends- I've been trying very hard to put all of my "Woo" talents to work and gather as many new friends as I can. Nathan's cancer made me insular, and since then I've been slowly letting people into my circle... It can be a little hard at times, because I am also trying to maintain the friendships I already have and a friendship is a very real/tangible thing to me... it takes work. Sometimes I wish that I could just go back to being the "maintainer" part of a duo, but I think I draw people Nathan wouldn't have, and I rather like some of the friend gems I've found.

4) Being needed- I've been working a lot this week for Pixelscopic. And it's made me really happy... I was a little confused about this because I've worked before, and it doesn't normally make me that happy. But then I realized it's because I am doing something for the guys that would be a huge waste of their time, but they needed done. I really like filling a hole, especially if it's a hole that full of minute details that would annoy the bejeepers out of most people. And sure, it didn't hurt at all that it made me feel super productive, *and* I actually got to interact with people everyday this week. But mainly I love feeling like I'm a functioning cog in the machine.

5) A (relatively) clean house. I enjoy it when my house is tidy. I do not enjoy making it so, so those times when I have to clean for company and then after company leaves it isn't trashed... well, it's simply lovely.

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