Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cleaning and doing without

I cleaned my entire apartment today. Yay! Laundry is put away,  dishes are done, floors are vacuumed/swept... (I still don't know how to spell vacuumed, because we called it a sweeper when I was growing up.) Tables are wiped down, trash is taken out, bed is even made. Now to just keep it this way until I come home from Christmas...

I always think I should clean my house before I go on vacation so that when I come home it's really nice and feels really relaxing... but I put off packing till the last minute and don't clean and come home to a mess.

Maybe this year things will be different.

Probably not.

How does one not sleep in their bed so as to preserve the "made-ness"  What? Just remake it every morning? You think I have that kinda time just laying around or something!?!

I found Nathan and my pre-marital counseling books today (we each had one to write in). I read through his, and rather enjoyed it. One of the lists was a "who do you think will take care of this chore" thing... and of course he couldn't just say, "me" or "her" because he had to keep contingency plans open, so nearly everything was "both (mainly me)" or "both but Renee is more skilled at this." except for bed-making and the person he wrote down for that chore was, "neither :)"

He was so right. The only time we made our bed was when we put new sheets on it... or when he was so frustrated with the giant knot that I had made the covers because I can somehow manage to twist blankets sideways in my sleep.. and even then it was less "making" and more "straightening."

He also had made brackets in sections of the books commenting that he disagreed with how they worded it and he wouldn't say it like that. Yes, he was arguing with a book... a pre-marital counseling book at that. I laughed.... That's just so classic Nathan, marking up the parts that he doesn't agree with.

Anyway I found the books while cleaning... Whole lot of religious studies books are headed to Good Will or the Salvation Army... I have no need of them and no desire to hold on to them... I have so much that was his, taking up space it no longer needs to take up. When I move out of here it's gonna be crazy.

But that's what has to happen... If the situations were reversed I wouldn't want him hanging on to my crafting supplies or all my knick-nacks.

I was thinking the other day, "How in the world did all of Nathan *and* my clothes fit in this closet?" I seriously don't know. I've taken over his dresser and I still have my dresser and the closet is completely full... just of my clothes... How did we manage when we had all of his clothes (a Rubbermaid tote and 2  huge boxes, I think) PLUS my clothes.

Next time I get married we are gonna have to have a ginormous closet.

I was thinking about it today... and you know how engaged couples are with each other all the time? That's why we get married... cause no one thinks it's odd if you are with your spouse all the time... That's what I miss. Someone who wants to spend all his time with me. Someone who's decided I'm the one person he can't do without.

I want to be not done without.


  1. Another great post, Renee! What an emotional moment to finally make the leap to get rid of some of his things. That must have been tough. I'm proud of your bravery and your growth. And again, I hope and pray that a stellar guy sweeps you off your feet. Oh, and good job on all that cleaning! It's been awhile since I cleaned that much!

  2. When Nathan told me that you were "the one" I said, "If you don't think you can spend your life without her, then she is "the one!"

  3. I'm shallow and commenting on the first part of your post even though the second part is the deep and interesting part and the first part is the fluffy part.

    I learned to spell vacuum from the way Amy Adams sings that song in that movie. "Vac-you-umm" = vacuum. Two u's... us...Us... you's... yous. Well, I don't know how to spell u. But I know how to spell with two of them to make vacuum.

    Until that movie came out, I had a hard time spelling that word too, and we even said vacuum and not sweeper when I was a kid. Go figure.


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