Wednesday, August 1, 2012

11 of 30

Time for number 11 on the list!
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have

Uhhhhhh... I don't think I have 10 pet peeves... Well, I'll give it a go... maybe I'll hit my stride and realize that I do have 10.

1) Unsolicited pity.

This might be one of the reasons why I so often find myself drawn to men. If something's going on with me I like for it to be acknowledged, yeah, and if I bring it up I want to talk about it, but I don't need or want any of the "Oh you poor thing" mentality. If I'm upset and hurting about it, sympathy will make me cry and if I'm not, I don't normally want a reminder of it.

2) Distaste for something mainstream just because it's mainstream.

I think it's stupid if you don't like a movie, or a book, or a band, or a color, or anything else just because a lot of other people like it. Try it and then make your decision. And even if your decision is the same at least you now have a reason. It's just as stupid to dislike something because it's popular as to like something because it's popular. And this is why I'll never be a hipster.

3) The offensive stance

And by this I don't mean a stance that I disagree with... I mean a stance that someone takes and basically announces to the world that if a person doesn't agree with them then the dissenters are a bunch of morons-- or they hate the planet-- or they are going to get cancer-- or kill babies. This usually happens when people are feeling defensive about their decision. I know I've certainly seen it the most in regards to pregnancy/parenthood, but it can happen regarding just about anything... You probably see this the most blatantly on facebook. I don't anymore, because I hide the people who do it. The kicker is that half the time I agree with what they are saying, but they say it in such a way that it makes me angry and want to switch sides.

4) Being patronized

This is an old one. I'm short. I'm cute. I *used* to be the youngest one in most situations. I don't care for political conversations and I really like people. I choose to look on the bright side, I like rainbows and nail polish. I don't like to make decisions that affect more people than myself. While I can't help my height or looks, all of my attitudes are choices. They are what I want. None of this means that I don't know what I'm doing. None of it means that I'm a ditz. None of it means I can't follow a very complicated discussion in technical jargon I've only been exposed to a few times. Talk down to me and earn my eternal scorn.

5) Handlebar mustaches

Ok, I'm not sure this is a pet peeve as much as a slightly grossed out cry of, "Whyyyyyy?"

6) "Faked" hospital rooms (in television, movies, books, ect)

I have an especial problem with fake-looking intubation for breathing. I know that they aren't actually going to intubate someone just for a show, but get the machine sounds right. Get it to look at least a little bit accurate. Hire freaking nurse consultant for a day.

7) Cheat Flirting

I've talked about this before. I think touching a guy (a lot) who you are flirting with is cheating.  Of course the girl who throws herself all over a guy is going to get the most attention... but is he interested in you or in the happy touch-endorphins you are creating?

8) Arguers

I have a viewpoint. You have a viewpoint. Sometimes it happens that they are not in accord. I do not want to talk about them until I agree with you.

9) "You look tired"

If I am tired I know it and likely don't need to be reminded. If I'm not then the person basically told me that I look like crap. Awesome.

10) That my houseelves don't do anything.

Seriously. For as little work as I see accomplished they might as well not even exist. It's just ridiculous

Ok, so I got 4 pet peeves, 4 slightly annoying things, and 2 semi-random things. I bet you can figure out which is which!


  1. I sometimes wonder how many people get accused of #2 when what they really dislike is the mass-production of culture as a marketable item, but they don't know how to articulate it. Not liking things everyone likes is a natural part of individuation for toddlers & teenagers, but I think adults who get a vague sense of wrongness from, say, an iconic song being used to sell cars get accused of hipsterism when there is something more analytic going on that they aren't necessarily prepared to put into words. But then, hipster-hating is kind of a pet peeve of mine, ever since I got these glasses. It's like my life turned into "Focus" but with hipsters instead of Jewish people. Er, minus the beatings.

    That said, anyone who says the Gotye hit is "overplayed" earns my ire. It's a great song with a unique sound, and most importantly, it can't possibly be more overplayed than the other songs on the radio.

    I don't understand how #8 can be true and you can be friends with Jon, or I. It must be awful for you to be in the same room with us. The first thing Jon and I do after hugging is instigate a vigorous Dialogue!

    1. Ha! I knew I shouldn't have thrown in the cheap shot about hipsters. Honestly it's not just a "hipster" problem, it's everywhere. It's also an "uber conservative" Christian problem (aka only listening to Christian music, reading Christian books, frequenting Christian stores ect). And lots more groups have the same issue. Sorry to unfairly hate on the hipsters, Sadie. :)

      Also #8 is one of the "slightly annoying" things... and if you recall, you dislike that I don't give my personal opinion on most issues-- especially controversial ones. But that's how I can be friends with you/Jon/Kara. :)

    2. I'm not sure what you mean. You just wrote 10 personal opinions.

    3. Oh no! I earned Sadie's ire! Ok, seriously, one day I drove Gus to daycare, drove to work, drove to the grocery store, drove to the farmer's market, drove to pick up Gus, and drove home. I only listened to two radio stations, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I got in my car, I heard that song.

      So maybe I just got unlucky, but I wanted to hear something else that day! They don't play it that much anymore, anyway.

  2. Ha! handlbar mustaches. I don't think anyone likes those :)


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