Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why I hate "Inception"

Have I told you about how much I love Tamora Pierce as a writer? Cause it's a lot. I know she's a YA Author.... but seriously her books are just so blamed good. And it's not just because she pretty well only writes about strong female protagonists- Though I like that about her too. Been up reading one of her books and honestly could probably start on another if it weren't already 2:30.

One of the reasons why I really like my new class/ professor is that she went on a mini-rant on the first day of class about how our writing had to have endings and closure. That adults will deal with ambiguity but children will get mad at you or call you lazy... and if anyone has heard my rant about Inception, then you know how much and strongly I identify with that sentiment.

Inception rant summed up: They made an incredible movie. It draws you in and somehow makes sense even with all the insanity inherent in the premise... and then they completely punk out on the ending, leaving it ambiguous. Make a CHOICE! It makes me mad. Yes, I realize I might not be rational on this argument but it feels like everything that wrong with the world. The inability to commit somehow made into a virtue. BAAAAAH! Choose and then deal with the consequences.

Needless to say, you shouldn't take this up with me. Cause contrary to my normal laid-back nature and cool demeanor, this is a topic that I won't cede and I will fight you about. It's best to just let it lie. I know, some people feel this way about politics or civil rights or important things... I feel this way about a movie ending. Just call me Dawson Leery.

God's really good at bringing who you need into your life when you need it.. I should remember that and remember that just because I think I need something doesn't mean that God does. I'm not very patient, though. I don't know that I ever have been. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) I'm not a settler, either (except of Catan). But if there is anyone in this life who has seen God bring the exact right person at the exact right time, it's me.... How quickly we forget how very much we've been blessed.


  1. It wobbled! It wobbled! The one in the dream never wobbles!

  2. I remember bringing a book home and reading it and you read it to and it had a horrible you wrote a better one!


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