Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Through-out the day...

Random thoughts that were almost made into facebook statusi today: (yes, there are a lot... I have a tendency to think in facebook statuses.)

I'm 28 and have recently decided I don't really like caramel flavored things... What took me so long? (ok, this one actually made it as a status.)

I think I could give up chocolate forever if I could have an unlimited supply of cinnamon and vanilla.

Has anyone ever heard of "Seabird" the band? I think I like them-- Huzzah for Pandora.

Huzzah for the library having the CDs I want to listen to, so I can decide if I like Seabird.

I'm excited for Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword to be released in November, but do not want to buy it for 50 dollars... the hem and the haw of it all.

I think I might request Glee Karaoke Revolution for Christmas this year... I've held out for long enough.

Letting go of your own plans for your life and letting God have them does not get any easier with practice.

Renée Dunn, Efficiency Rockstar- Getting stuff done since 9 AM.

Eternal dilemma: Pick up things from the library today so you have something to do tonight, or wait till tomorrow because you have lots of things "in transit."

You know what sounds good? Some Rutledge beef jerky. All you Memphis-ites know what I'm saying?

I'm experimenting with Ponzu as a marinade for tonight's supper..... I also have the very American peppercorn and garlic marinated chicken as a backup.

God bless George Foreman, or whomever actually invented George Foreman grills.

Someone please tell me that foxes are going to be the next owls.

I miss Christmas, but I'm scared of Christmas. I'm afraid of the snow and the songs and the sentimentality.

Oh heavens save us from the sentimentality.

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

I want to smell like fall. So much so that I will wear apple scented perfume... or apple/cinnamon/leaves perfume... or a blend of autumnal notes of golden nectar, juicy mandarin and red delicious apple paired with toasted cinnamon stick, mulled cider spices and freshly harvested red berries.

OMG Jane Lynch is Pacey's mom on Dawson's Creek!!!

And that's pretty much all I got...


  1. I think with the dawn of fb we all have learned to think in fb statuses. I do it too. Love the post!

  2. I sometimes think in terms of my life soundtrack. In the movie of my life, what song would be playing now?


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