Monday, August 22, 2011

Ninja Warrior

I turned on the television and fell into an alternate universe. One entitled American Ninja Warrior. Oh my goodness. So addicting/amazing. I can't believe that they can do that. It's like a lumberjack competition only waaaaaaaay more awesome and far less plaid.

I want to be related to the Gilmore Girls who create parties with insane country themes. Rory created a London going away party for Logan and then Lorelai created an Asian vacation for Rory since Logan was away in London and not going to Asia with her.  Want destination themed party.

or maybe an American Ninja Warrior party... as long as I don't have to be an American Ninja Warrior.

Tomorrow I have class... weird. What will I write of? I don't know. I have no ideas. But that will come to me, right? Eventually it will come to me. I can be inspired.

Lonely. Want someone to talk to. Am without talking buddy. So I think I'm going to go to sleep early and be well rested for tomorrow... Just like an adult. I'm an adult? Sheesh, a girl signs up for one post-bachelors class and suddenly she's all grown up and saving China.

Well, I'm not saving China, but I bet a Ninja warrior is... Mulan- Disney's first Ninja Warrior.

Sometimes I wonder if Nathan's death has made me numb. I seem to feel sympathy so much more distantly than I once did. Once when something bad happened to someone else I would feel it... Now, I recognize it and try to respond sensitively, but... my emotions aren't invested in it. I'm a step removed in a lot of ways. I want to be sad/ troubled/ upset for someone... but all I can manage is detachedly sympathetic. It's like my empathy skills are broken. It's like I don't have any emotions to give but positive ones. I can rejoice with you in your triumphs but I can't go with you to your depths. Maybe that's because my depths are so very low... maybe it's because it would turn bitter inside me... Maybe it's because everything that I've gone through has drastically impacted my personality in some profound way and made me into a thinker, rather than a feeler.

I don't really know, but here is something I suspect. Jesus would have been a kick-a Jewish Ninja Warrior. Cause God has to have a pretty easy time navigating human-made obstacle courses... He has eons of experience.

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