Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Every day I'm Snufflin'

Ok kids, I have a bone to pick with you. I told you to remind me to do laundry and you didn't, and now I still have laundry and it's all your fault. Luckily I still have enough clothes to wear for a good week and a half but all my favorites are dirty and I blame you.

The problem with laundry is this: even while doing laundry you are creating more laundry.... Well, unless you launder in the nude and that just sounds uncomfortable. It's an evil vicious cycle... and let's not even discuss hanging up clothes.

I think I'm going to help Jonny paint a room on Saturday. A room for Katie and his baby! (Since she posted a sonogram pic on fb I figure I'm safe to mention baby katiejon now.) Yeah, Sadie, I did steal "baby katiejon" from you, dawg, wanna make somethin' of it?? I think that helping paint might be my naturally supernatural way to bless people. I hate helping people move. I get really irritated. But I've been painting rooms since I was five/whenever my mom would let me help and I kinda like it. I get into a zen place and all I need are some tunes to be happy as a clam.

I've also got a bridesmaid dress fitting on Sat. Yeah, that's how I roll. Paintin' in the morning, fancy dresses in the afternoon.

Does anything else really need to be said?

Only this. 

I grew up in a land where corn grew quite well, but PBS did not, so there was a sad lack of Mr. Snuffleupagus in my childhood.

I don't think I've ever been able to overcome this. 

We need some Snuffleupagus affirmative action up in this joint.

1 comment:

  1. Come on, Renee, do you know me or not? Of COURSE I secretly hoped it would catch on! :)

    Don't forget to do laundry!


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