Sunday, October 16, 2011

Goin' crazy, wanna come?

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog. You know, the non-mopey one.

Sometimes it's really hard not to settle... to not encourage "good enough" when you feel this lonely. Sometimes I just think I'm slowly going crazy. I sure don't feel like I know who I am, most of the time. Not sure how I expect a guy to be interested in this... in me... in my baggage.

Anyway, had the bridesmaid fitting today... so fast! It was amazing. It took less than 30 minutes and the first dress I tried on was great. AND it was on sale! I've made myself a deal that if I lose more weight I'll pay for my dress to be altered. Seems totally reasonable to me.

So the other night Melissa was showing us this thing they learned at a conference they went to... You push on someone's arm and depending on the resistance you can tell if they are lying. Now I'm sure it doesn't work with everyone... always a way to cheat the system and all that... but it works on a lot of people... she uses a standard "I am male" "I am female" pair of statements and basically the body/subconcious reacts whether or not it's an obvious lie. So she tested me... and my body reacted exactly the same (as though I was telling the truth) to both statements. So we tried again... same response. So we thought I was just a fluke person... and then she had me say "I like to write" and "I hate writing" And on that question I was obviously lying when I said that I hate writing. So we tried the male/female question again... and again I was telling "the truth" both times.

In other words, my subconscious thinks I'm a man and a woman. Great, subconscious. Just great. Remember when I said I sometimes think I'm slowly going crazy? Exhibit 196.

In other news, the costume is coming along swimmingly. Skirt is almost done, and though it doesn't technically even mildly resemble the skirt I started out to make, I think it's better. There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

And happy trees. Lots of happy little trees with happy little friends... and burnt sienna for a highlight and a little touch of ocher and cadmium red, Just a touch. There... and there. And I think one more happy little tree lives right over here in this shadow. Yeah, right there.

This is Bob Ross, Signing off.


  1. Or maybe you just don't have any reaction to lying about your gender, because your subconscious is in no way conflicted?

  2. My guess is that you've exercised your lying muscle in the brain more than most, possibly through theater.
    The reason the trick works is that saying something that's not true generally takes more mental effort than saying something truthful, distracting you from the physical exertion. The effect should be more pronounced if you have to make up the lie rather than simply repeating an untruth.
    Instead of being a sign you're going crazy, perhaps your an above-average mental multi-tasker.

    Of course that wouldn't rule out the possibility of going crazy as well. So there's still hope for that, I guess.

  3. Also it doesn't explain why it worked on the writing statements and not on the male/female questions.


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