Friday, October 28, 2011

Hair, Halloween, and Boris

So I did a trial run of my hair this evening.

Really what happened is yesterday I had cute hair. It looked like this:

Well, the first picture, anyway. Then after the hair dries it's supposed to look like second picture. Mine kinda did--- only WAY poofier...So when I got home and had no plans... I decided to do what I normally do when I am by myself and bored. I primped.

*sidenote- no I don't have a *clue* why I primp... gives a whole new level of sad to "all dressed up and nowhere to go," doesn't it? But it's what I do, nonetheless. *sidenote ended*

So anyway, I decided if I was gonna primp I should at least use my primping wisely. So I did a trial run of my hair for Snow White. I was a bit concerned that my hair was too long to accurately portray Miss White's. I'm happy to report that I was so wrong!

Check it, yo.

Also I put the rest of my costume together except for my apple or little friend, and the results are kinda awesome... can a get a ruling on whether or not a person can wear their Halloween costume all Halloween weekend long? Not gonna lie-- actually considering it. It's really cute and comfortable and obvious as to what it is without being over the top. Juuuuuust right.

Modern Snow White blows Trampy Snow White out of the water. Trust me on that one.

I've also helped/given advice to 4 other people about costumes this week-- and I think 3 of them might even listen to me :)

Work was rough today. The computer there is really old and every once in a while it hits this patch of slowness... When I got back from class the computer was in that slow place, and it was so frustrating. Just switching to a different window on the task bar caused it to go to a blank white screen and think for a minute. It took me literally all afternoon to do something that should have taken 30 minutes. I was so grumpy when I left work. There were things that needed to get done, but they couldn't because I just ran out of time and patience. I should get computer harassment pay on days like today.

OK I'm gonna go to sleep... I have to like write a one act tomorrow.... or close to it. Luckily I work best under pressure.... Right, guys?



It's very rude to just wander off when someone is talking to you, you know.

Fine, fine.. I still love you.... Boris Yeltsin.

PS I hate the phrase "sawing logs" when referring to snoring.  It makes it sound disgusting somehow... I mean snoring is really just loud, normally... but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who thinks this.... then again, I'm the only person who thinks a lot of things.

1 comment:

  1. Well done with the hair business! I'm afraid I may go costumeless this Halloween. I had all these ambitions to do something... then didn't.


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