Friday, October 7, 2011

Sleepy Praise for Men

You know what I like about the streak of color in my hair? It somehow makes me more approachable.

At least if I'm in Springfield it does... people are weirded out by it in small towns.

2:20 and I'm exhausted... why has this week been so long... it didn't really have that much... oh wait, I know. Last weekend was a travel weekend, so it's like I've had 2 weeks without my break. That makes sense.

I heart weekends.

I have wanderlust. I wish I could just up and take a European vacation... though I wouldn't want to go alone. Anyone want to vacation in Europe together?

I'm really really tired.

Why are boys so great? I mean for reals. Unless they are being jerks on purpose, guys are really great. At least all the ones I know. They talk to me and they laugh at my jokes and they humor me and they are just so  rootin'-tootin' straightforward. They just say what they mean and the subtext is exactly what you think it is. It's so nice. I'm such a fan of men.... I'm kinda glad I was born a woman just so I can like men this much and not be gay. I mean I know there is a lot of this idea of "girl power" floating around and while I am proud to be a woman.... I just don't want you to sell the dudes short. They are my favorite.

And boys like comic book movies and I like comic book movies.

and boys like video games and I like video games

and boys like to be protective and I like to be protected... really it's quite the simpatico relationship we got going on.

1 comment:

  1. Me. Me! Let's go to Europe. Matt has a conference in Dublin in July 2012! Not sure if I'll be able to afford to tag along this time, but you know, these things are always cheaper in groups. ^_^ I want to see castles. Castles, I say!

    Saying what they mean... sadly, there are plenty of men out there who are skilled in the opposite. Plus, how many of them are just helpless when they're actually having emotions? They're all like, "What ARE these things? Get them off me! I'm angry! Manly and angry! And very manly!"


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