Sunday, October 23, 2011

Procrastination Station

Dag, yo.

I don't know why but it's been so hard for me to write lately... I sit down and I just keep putting it off.. seems like the only time I want to write or have inspiration is when I can't.

Like right now. I *need* to be trying to figure out my Reader's Theatre script. So I'm blogging because I told myself I couldn't get up until I at least wrote something...

Plots are hard.

I can dialogue with two people in my head for hours... but plots? Things have to happen?!? Dang it!

Part of the problem is that in some of my favorite one acts... the "plot" is really rather subtle. Because you don't have time to give the characters much to do if you are going to develop them at all. And if you don't develop them then you've got a melodrama and I don't really like melodramas.

That and I always want to be completely original... but there are really only like 5 story plots in the entirety of the world... it's just how you twist them... and figuring out how to twist something.. it's a lot harder than it looks... Sometimes I worry that I've read way too much, because it feels like every idea I have is based on another one. But that's what they are always telling you to do if you want to write. Read read read.

The other day in class someone said they loved a book. And that they read it so quickly that they finished it in "two marathon sessions." This book had less than 200 pages.... I knew I wasn't that into it because it took me 2 sessions to finish it (instead of reading it all in one go.) Perspective is WEEEEIRD.

Seriously... It's even hard for me to focus on this and all I really need to do for blogging is just type what is going on in my head.... Thank you, by the way, for thinking that the thoughts that run through my head are interesting enough to read.

Pinterest makes me want to bake.

Costume is almost finished-- Just need to add some red to the sleeves, make my headband, and find a cute little friend.... or an apple.

Oh and I did go back to the mall to buy more thermal shirts with thumb holes. I like em!

... Plus I like that I can buy shirts in the Jrs section again, too.

I might need to go buy some smaller sized jeans, too. Sah-weet!

Well it's 10:15, and I've not written a lick on my class work... I think it's time to finish that disc of HIMYM... Ladies and gentlemen, we have now arrived at Procrastination Station. Please wait until the train comes to a complete stop and then proceed to the exits in an orderly fashion... you know... when you feel like it... eventually....

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