Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bad Mamma-Jamma

I hate to cover up my post from last night. I worked for a long time on those drawings! This is the problem with blogging every day. You always gotta come up with new things to say and it's hard to top yesterday's.

I watched "The Descendants" tonight with my cousin. I kinda knew what it was about going into it. I didn't expect so much of it to take place in a hospital room, but I was happy to see it was a real hospital room... with the curtain dividers and duty charts and all the right things on the wall. But the reviews were awesome and so I said let's watch that. I kept hearing it was a tear jerker... so I had my widow supplies at the ready... but I watched it... and this may make me sound totally cold hearted, but I didn't even choke up, much less cry. I just kept thinking that I lived through that... I didn't have daughters but I didn't have him long enough to have  17 year old with him.  And I had more time to prepare myself for the possibility, but I didn't have enough time to have his friends come to say their goodbyes... He did not tarry... always impatient.

I kinda feel like Sarah in the Labyrinth... "Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my way here to the castle beyond goblin city to take back the child that you have stolen from me. For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great. You have no power over me."

Fear is the power that cancer has. But I've lived through an experience that was harder than this movie that everyone thinks is so sad. What have I to be afraid of?

Cancer can't do anything to the most basic part of you... it has no power over the soul.

So either that's why I didn't cry tonight or it's because I'm one bad mamma-jamma.

or both

probably both.

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