Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blast from the past

Ok... I totally spoke too soon... I'm sick.. So I'm going to go to bed and try and fight this off before it gets worse. But I shall not leave you blog-less! The other day I was perusing my old xanga.

I know! Whaaaa?!

Anyway I was perusing it and I remembered this blog I wrote somewhere around Valentine's Day.  many years ago (7 to be exact.) It turned out to be the last V-day I spent as a single girl. So I looked it up... I thought it was an amazing blog back then... I don't know that I would say "amazing" now, but you know, there are still a lot of good things in it... and a lot of what I thought were subtle references to that boy who'd dumped me 2 weeks before *coughNathancough.* Turns out I'm about as subtle as a mack truck.

But anyway, without further ado, I bring you this blast from the past:

Saturday, 12 February 2005 

Today has been a day about Love for me. All love. Screw Valentine's Day. Today is my day about love. As previously mentioned it is my grandparent's wedding anniversary. 50 years.  That is a long time to be with one other person... How many times must they have argued? How many times must they have made up. How many times did they think, "What in the heck, why did I marry him/her?" Today is a day about love, and realizing that even after 50 years worth of life, you are still just as in love as you were, or perhaps even more.

Today is a day about love. I called my mom today to ask if she could mail spaghetti sauce and then again to find out what the temperature is for brownies. I called my grandma to tell her happy anniversary and she only asked about me and what I was doing. Even though I'm grown and hardly ever home they want to be part of my life, any part of my life. It is a day about love, and realizing that you don't deserve the people you have been blessed with.

Today is a day about love. My sister is 13 weeks pregnant, and I'm sorry to all those people who have heard me say it 400 times already. I'm very happy and excited about it. I wish I could see her, because I have no idea when you start to show, but she is glowing.. and she was-- even during Christmas she was.. I saw it but didn't say anything... a baby... yes, it's definitely a day to realize that even dealing with the millions and billions of messes and problems children bring, they are worth it. Ask a set of new parents.

Today is a day about love.  I got to hang out with some really great friends today. The best friends I've ever had outside my family. Friends that just call to say they are thinking of me... Friends who love me and that love my cooking and that love to eat and that love to just hang out with me, even when they hate everyone else in the world. Friends that have stuffed animal "friends" who *are* real. Maybe not to everyone, but to me, because they are aspects of that person. Friends that need them and that can do nothing and still have one of the greatest times ever... and who buy me ice cream for no good reason ;)

Today is a day about love. I had the worst headache this afternoon.. one that I can only assume was brought on by caffeine withdrawal... and I saw love, through the sudden hushing, the apologies and the willingness to quiet their loud impulses and to get away when they couldn't help but be loud.  They even listened patiently while I complained. In the head pats and the sympathetic glances and the way that voices took on soothing tones, I saw a day about love.

Today was a day about love. We watched the notebook tonight. Wow. It's sad, but beautiful. and I have to say that it didn't depress me... I half expected it to, with the ...turn of events my life has taken lately... But it didn't... It gives me hope... Someone will love me so much they will write me 365 letters, and it won't matter if I'm stubborn or stupid 99% of the time or if he's conceited and a jerk 99% of the time, because it's about love, and working on it every day. *L* ask Kara and Josh... I think they will tell you it's worth it. BTW girl I may have some ideas for songs... but they may be just horrible or not your style... I'll try to call tomorrow.

Today is a day about love... about knowing someone better than you do yourself and being ok with that. About being able to take whatever comes your way and just deal with it because you have backup. About having the same sense of humor and knowing what someone else is thinking... and being annoyed when you don't know what they are thinking... about always waking up, and not being sad, cause no matter what love doesn't fail you. It's a day about love.

Today is a day about love. I have diamonds on my window. I have more than I deserve, I have people who care about me and whom I care about. I have people whom I would give my life for, and a savior who already did, even when I am mad at Him... or trying to run from Him, who gave His life and knew that I might not even take it... today is my day about love... So love the people you are supposed to and don't be afraid... When you are 80 and senile I don't think you'll regret it.

Today was my day about Love.. who needs valentines?

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