Sunday, February 5, 2012


Long day---

Long drive and then a Superbowl party immediately after getting home...


It was the best kind of Superbowl party too.. the one where you don't actually watch the game, you just eat the food and hang out with friends who also don't watch the game, and then it takes 15 min after the game to figure out who won, cause all you can see are screaming fans and both teams have basically the same colors. And forget it if you want to find out the score.

In the meantime, I leave town and my friends have a baby... this happened with Kara, too. I don't know how they manage it... I leave town maybe a total of 7 weekends a year, including holidays... Kara suggested I'm made of anti-labor matter. It's possible.

August James Carter has a lot of hair and is otherwise adorable, though I've not met him in person. I was around a lot of colds this weekend so I don't want to take any germs to new baby.. Don't know yet if I got anything or not... my immune system has been pretty kick-a these past few years, but it's gonna have to let something slip eventually.

Or I'll never be sick again... that would be ok, too.

In the meantime though I'm gonna get lots of rest... starting now.

Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night!

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