Sunday, February 19, 2012

Good Day and Dread Pirates

I had a good day. Woke up "late," but still early for late (10:00), showered, ate and watched a tv show.

I almost always watch a tv show while I eat if I'm at home. It makes me feel less alone. I don't know what widows did before there was tv/Netflix. It's my saving grace, so often! I would probably not eat alone if I didn't have tv... which doesn't sound terribly healthy.

Then around two I went to Starbucks and started writing-- 5 and 1/3 pages- Yesss! and in about 3 hours! I have to remind myself that while 5 pages in three hours may not seem that impressive, it's pretty good for me, especially when you take into consideration that I start by going back to the beginning of the chapter and reading what I already wrote, editing it, and then continuing on. It's easy to assume that writing is as fast as thinking.. or at worst, reading... it's not. It's actually a much slower process. I mean it takes me an awful long time to write an e-mail, and that doesn't even have a plot or a POV that I have to stick to! Though when I get in the zone it really can fly.-- both the time and the writing.

Random thought: I wonder if I ever become famous if I'll still be able to go to Starbucks to write or if I will have to make my own little writing retreat because my fans will be too needy. What I secretly hope is that I will become famous, and go to Starbucks, but everyone will just treat me like normal and the regulars will shoo away crazy fans and maybe sometimes people will come and watch me write like I'm a museum exhibit.

Weird, Renée. And now it's not even a secret.

So anyway, then Melissa called me up and we went to a little thing called VisionCon with Bill and Dan... Wow was that an experience. We were only there for like 15 minutes, and only in the "dealer" room but golly... Nerds are.. nerdy. :)

 That said, with so many people selling and roaming about in costumes, I felt a bit like I'd found my people. And I'm so normal compared to them! I was wearing a skirt and leg warmers and in the real world I felt cute but a little strange. In VisionCon I felt like I was totally normal/kinda boring. I mean, I didn't have a corset or even a tail!

Also I must say- I have no idea what the guy dressed as the "Dread Pirate Roberts" actually looked like, considering the costume covers up almost everything except for a weird mustache... And yet I found him super attractive because of the movie. Why isn't there a girl costume that is that covered and that alluring?!? 

Kinda makes me want to go to a single's Masquerade Ball.

So after that experience, we went to dinner and then Melissa and I went and got wedding crafty while the boys went somewhere to smoke uppity tobacco or something. And Melissa and I watched Stardust. Such a fun movie.

Then I came home and planned out my outfit for tomorrow with items in my closet that I'd almost forgotten about. I'm wearing heels- we'll see how that goes. Did I tell you about how my left foot has been hurting lately? It has.. Just sometimes when I move it a certain way, but then it hurts a lot- from my sole to the top of my foot- wrapping around with the arch. I've not worn heels in at least a week, trying to make it stop hurting, but there doesn't seem to be a difference, so I guess I'll know if it's heels' fault after tomorrow. I can still stand on my tiptoes without pain, so I don't think it's a fallen arch, but Web MD has been less than helpful. Then again even when they get the diagnosis right Web MD can be a bit dangerous.

Ach, it's time to go to bed, I think, and dream of the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Next time I have a boy whom I can dress up for Halloween I know what we are going as!  I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before! But don't steal my costume idea, lest I have to sic an RoUS on you.


  1. I have often wished Matt and I had the energy to fabricate costumes, because he would make a fantastic Miracle Max, and I Valerie.

  2. Have you read the book, Stardust, by Neil Gaiman? It's really, really good. The book and the movie are both really good but in different ways. I recommend.

  3. ooooooh Sadie! You only have to make the costume once and then you can go as those two *every* Halloween... Do it now as a commitment to your future!

    And April-- I need to get it from the library I keep thinking that and then I don't do it.


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