Monday, May 2, 2011

Comments Encouraged: Or, The Pursuit of Interesting

You know what's really exciting? Looking in your refrigerator and discovering the strawberries you bought yesterday and forgot about.

If you've never had this experience you will just have to trust me.

I've been thinking about interpersonal relationships a lot lately. All relationships require work, but do you have the ones in your life that are just inexplicably easier? You just seem to understand each other without having to go into lengthy explanation. The flow of conversation is usually smoother and your senses of humor line up. The relationship in general is just easy. You don't get frustrated with the other person's quirks and they don't seem to get frustrated with your annoying little eccentricities.

Who? Me? Annoying little eccentricities? You mean like singing about 3 bars of a song over and over without realizing it? I don't think I do anything like that... yeah... never.

Well anyway.. Do you think there is a way to tell who you will have these types of rel-easy-ships with, or is it that elusive spark of chemistry that can't be captured in a bottle. I'm not talking romantic relationships, necessarily, platonic friendships can be just as easy. When I think of the people who I have this natural accord with, they don't really have a lot in common with me or with each other... so it makes me think it's just that flicker of the ineffable. But what do you think? Is it scientific? Is it something that can be narrowed down or defined?

In other news I think that my car might have stolen my interesting-ness. I've noticed that since Friday I seem to have a lot more difficulty coming up with things to write about on here, and I've been a bit of a dud in actual conversations as well. I think hybrids might drain a person's interesting meter in order to power themselves (they SAY it's the electric motor....) I'm not sure if it's hybrids in general, Priuses, or mine in particular but it's working as personality kryptonite for me. (Yeah, that's a good/interesting description... but it's totally not mine- Thanks, Ryan.) Seriously, I totally considered writing about using my windshield wipers today for the first time- before I realized: That's insanely boring!

I'll keep writing, because Pioneer Woman tells me that when you hit writer's block you just gotta keep plugging away, though I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to hear about my windshield wipers either.

I'm open to suggestions, by the way. Want to help me rediscover my creativity? Is there anything you want to know about me? Is there any subject you want to hear my thoughts on? Feel free to offer it up.

I just looked up "interesting" in a thesaurus. Here are the results: absorbing, affecting, alluring, amusing, arresting, attractive, beautiful, captivating, charismatic, compelling, curious, delightful, elegant, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, entrancing, exceptional, exotic, fascinating, fine, gracious, gripping, impressive, intriguing, inviting, lovely, magnetic, pleasing, pleasurable, prepossessing, provocative, readable, refreshing, riveting, stimulating, stirring, striking, suspicious, thought-provoking, unusual, winning

That pretty well describes what I want my blog to be--- heck that describes what I want to be! ... well, everything except suspicious... that's the black sheep of the "interesting" synonym family.


  1. Renée - I think you make a good point about relationships. I think it is only natural that some people mesh easier than others.

    I also think that everyone experiences lapses in creativity from time to time. (Although, the conspiracy theory of Toyota siphoning off people's creativity through their Prius and using those powers for evil [or good] is quite tempting.)

    In conclusion, I am commenting because of "Comments Encouraged." I am a sporadic reader of your blog, meaning if I see it pop up on my stalker feed in fbook, and I have a couple minutes, I usually take a look. Why? Because I think you have an interesting writing style. Perhaps this is because I can hear your voice in it - perhaps because it reminds me of times chillin' in Scholars House. I think your personality translates well for you in writing. (I don't know if that makes sense.)

    I guess I am saying, that reading your posts gives me a little dose of Renée. That is interesting. :-)

  2. I can't lie. I am now hopelessly intrigued by what happened when you used your windshield wipers for the first time. But I may not be trustworthy, since I also read a blog that is about cars. That's it. Just cars.

    As far as rediscovering your creativity, I suggest reading any book by Peter Elbow. It's like having a conversation with one of those people who asks you fascinating, thought-provoking questions about *yourself,* without the nagging wonder you get from such conversations when held face-to-face that make you wonder if this is all going to end up with a sales pitch to buy Amway or join a cult or something.


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