Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sardines and Edleweiss

I was at Katie and Jonny's until 2 in the morning. It was quite fun and I laughed a lot. You know, I would be perfectly content to do this every night, though I'm sure I'd want to change/add people from time to time. And I'd have to start writing my blog in the afternoon, cause starting this at 2 is not my greatest idea ever. I have decided for sure, though, that I'm going to put my book of questions in my car, so that, when the situation arises, I have a go-to resource for all sorts of random questions.

I love nights like this, when something spontaneous and almost magical seems to happen, everyone is in just the right temperament and suddenly early birds are staying up till past midnight, and no one wants to leave because they are having such a good time. These were the nights that college was made of for me, and part of the reason why I look back on college with such fond memories. They are a lot harder to come by these days. Everyone has to be so responsible and go to work and live in their own homes and be so adult-y. Sometimes I feel like the kid who's knocked on every door in the neighborhood and all the parents told me,"No, little Susie can't come out to play." But tonight? We had just enough people to play a killer game of sardines, all over the neighborhood.

Seriously, want to know a really fun time I had once? Playing Sardines in and around the library and then the quad on campus. We were in pairs to make it "safe." I don't even remember who all was there, but it was great. I wish I had the run of Juanita K, or JQH Arena for a night, or heck, even Craig Hall! ... I'd get a group of 20-30 people give them flashlights, turn off all the lights and play Sardines... it would be so fun! Ok, don't know what "Sardines" is? Go to this site-- it's pretty easy to understand. 

I drove around quite a bit today, and brought my gas mileage up from 43 mpg to 48.2... I'm shooting for over 50.... Seriously, it's like driving around a video game.

Ok, I should go to bed. I just sat here for about 10 minutes looking at the screen not even thinking about what to write, just thinking about playing Sardines and video games... and what I'm going to do tomorrow, and everything I did today and what I could go eat, cause it's 3 AM and I ate at 7PM... and none of that is really even very interesting it's just taking my brain that long to process everything... Plus church tomorrow... you know... that's going on...  So perhaps, my dear ones it is time for me to lay my head down upon my pillow.

Adieu, until the morrow.

Random thought: I really wish Edleweiss from the Sound of Music was an Austrian folk song, instead of a song they just wrote for the Sound of Music. But I just learned it was the last song that Rogers and Hammerstein ever wrote together, so that makes it a little better. (Hammerstein died from stomach cancer 9 months later.) That it is their last song together is poetic and so sad.


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