Friday, May 27, 2011

Without pattern

There are these puzzles, you see. These puzzles which I find insanely addictive, but everyone else thinks I'm crazy for liking. They are part logic puzzle, part art. Sometimes they are called "paint-by-numbers" or nonograms and I've seen them referred to as Paint-doku as well. Basically, you are given a grid and you fill in the squares based on cross referencing the sequence of colored squares you are given over off to the side and top. When you are done you have a pixelated picture. No, it's not as confusing as it sounds.. at least not to me. Try for yourself. I'm beginning to think, though, that it comes so naturally to me because I'm a non-linear thinker. I'm quite comfortable with hopping mentally around from place to place. I have a thought that this might be why I have such a hard time picking up on patterns... My brain simply doesn't connect them. I don't see cause and effect I see event and all the possible influences on factors surrounding event. This also might be while I get nervous with very regimented routines... Like driving a car... seriously when I was learning I would have to say each step out loud as I did it, and I still routinely forget to do obvious things like turn on the headlights. I think I might be referred to as scatterbrained if I didn't have a really good memory (and cross referencing skills).

It's Memorial Day weekend. Did ya know? Only I am Memorial Day plan-less. I'm hoping a plan falls into my lap, lest I end up doing something horrendously boring like cleaning or putting away laundry.

I got complimented on my hair accessory today- It was exciting. That's the nice thing about making wearable art. People don't have to be in your personal space/circle to see it. You can get compliments from complete strangers.

Kara said something yesterday that I thought to be very insightful. Because I don't have Nathan with me anymore I'm on a constant search of things in my life to share with others. Stories, experiences, thoughts, blogs. Anything that I can discuss with someone else and feel like I'm connecting to them... I'm in a desperate search for connection in pretty much everything I do. In other words, I don't understand how anyone could not like facebook. It gives meaning to my life.

Oh, yes, I realize how pathetic that is.

But not as pathetic as the My Little Pony DVD that I have waiting for me in my living room from Netflix, so there! : p

By the way, if'n ya don't mind me asking for prayers/good thoughts/whatever, and I assume you don't, cause you are still reading this. Please be praying for Nathan's "not-quite-but-pretty-much sister," Sandy. She had a baby on the 20th, and she had to go in for a surgery on Tuesday and now she's been moved to the ICU as a precaution. She's gotten pneumonia pretty badly, apparently, among "other things." And while I know a lot of people get pneumonia, it's a really really scary word for me. So prayers are appreciated. For her, and her husband Nathan, and their new little baby Luke... and maybe for me... I'd really like to be able to react to health issues in "normal" ways again...

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