Sunday, May 22, 2011

In which the spirit of rhyme decends upon me

Tonight, I worked on the game and got things done in half the time it was previously taking me. I apparently hit my stride! It feels good to be so productive.

It may sound strange to you, but I really like having deadlines. I like to have a reason to get things done. I like getting things done before the deadline and the sense of pride and relief. I even like the last minute scramble if I procrastinated too long. I think it's one of the reasons I did so well in school. School is like a real life deadline-centric Diner Dash game. It's fun and challenging and slightly manic.

Wanna hear something kinda funny? I didn't update my Netflix queue before they received my last movie... so instead of the second disc of Drop Dead Diva (Yeah, I know that's it's own kettle of fish.) I will be receiving "My Little Pony: Season 1, Disc 1" I crack myself up sometimes with the things I find enjoyable to watch. Of course My Little Pony is entirely for nostalgia sake... and for my future children... and my current niece who borrowed one of the My Little Pony DVDs that I own when she visited. 

I gotta stop taking naps on weekends... see the thing is, I just go lay down whenever I am tired... which is nice in that I have the freedom to do that... but is bad in that it's 2:30 and I'm still going strong. Why you ask? Cause I take 2 hour long naps in the early evening. This is why being married was good for me... I had someone to be a regulator... aka a babysitter of my sleep schedule.

The unfortunate thing about 2:30 in the morning and not being in college is that when you get a hankering for Steak and Shake or IHop there is no one to go with you. Pancakes currently sound like the most delicious creation ever to grace this fine world, but there is no way I'm going to IHop at 2:45AM by myself. and don't give me any who-ha about being able to make my own pancakes. You know as well as I that the only acceptable 2:45AM pancakes are the ones you have to go on a quest for... to a land that smells vaguely of old people and waitress' smoke breaks.

Tonight I discovered why cable/satellite tv was invented. It's called Saturday evening network television. 'nuf said.

Ok, the birds that like to mock me at 3 AM by letting me know we've crossed the line when more of the dark of night has passed than there is to come have begun to chirp outside the window. (Did you have to read that sentence more than once to understand it? I had to read it more than once to type it, and I'm not completely convinced it makes any sense, yet.)

Anyway the long sentence was to say
that I need to call it a day,
and go away,
Love you all, -Renée

PS I swear I don't know how stuff like that happens, man. I just let my brain go and out these things flow.

PPS I really didn't mean to rhyme in my previous post script, but after I wrote it, I just couldn't take it back.. It's was just too perfect. To quote Kara, "goon" on me!


  1. Let's diagram this sentence and see if it makes sense!

    [Ok], the birds {[that like to mock me at 3 AM] ([by letting me know we've crossed the line] <[when more of the dark of night has passed] [than there is to come]>)} have begun to chirp [outside the window].

    Subject = the birds
    Verb = have begun to chirp (past perfect combined with an infinitive)
    And a large variety of clauses in the middle.

    Verdict = grammatically ok, but clause overload! :)

  2. I'll be here for about 10 more days and then 2 weeks at the end of June and would LOVE to do a late-night IHOP or SteakandShake trip with you (I have to be done before 11pm on weekends so I can get to work but can do 2:45 trips Sunday - Wednesday nights as I'm usually up that late). But, for the record, I used to do that stuff sometimes by myself when I was living alone and would show up with a book at Perkins or Ihop or Rondezvous. When they'd ask "how many?" I'd point to my book and say "just the two of us." :-) I consider books to be my dear friends and don't mind taking them out to eat sometimes... they're cheap dates.


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