Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ok, now you're just being silly.

I was downtown tonight, briefly, at the beginning of Art Walk... and a pub crawl... and some sort of festival as well? I determined then that I didn't really like Art Walk, but I actually think it's less about Art Walk and more about navigational stress. I don't like driving downtown during that madness, though honestly I don't mind walking. I don't like trying to figure out how to find parking, or where to go. See, I have a new car that I really like, but the fundamental problem is still that I don't actually *like* driving. I mean I drive around a lot, don't get me wrong. But if I had my druthers... I wouldn't, and Art Walk is the worst of all Springfield driving. Lots of cars, lots of people and not that much space. In other words: now accepting applications for a chauffeur.  I will pay you in baked goods... or sing your praises on my blog.. or paint you a picture... or sew you something?

I have a confession to make. I've been watching a new TV show on Netflix... it's called "Drop Dead Diva." And I think it's a really weird show for me to want to watch, and not just because it's a... Lifetime show... makes me cringe just a little, writing that.  But I also shouldn't want to watch it, considering that the main character died and came back to the body of someone else (who recently died). And yet, I completely love it.  Here's a bit of a plot summary, lifted from Wikipedia and then edited down:
"A vapid blonde and aspiring model, Deb, is killed in a car crash. She goes to limbo (think an all-white hospital waiting room the size of a mall) where you are sent to Heaven or Hell. She pushes a button that she shouldn't and is brought back to life in the body of a recently deceased, intelligent, overweight (and super pretty) lawyer named Jane Bingum. Deb (in her new body) retains her memories, but the "smarts" of Jane. Deb begins to rediscover her past while learning more about her inherited body's current life, and how Jane was treated when she was alive. Only Deb's long-time friend Stacy knows Jane's true identity."

Oh and I cut out the part where Deb's  boyfriend/almost-fiancé works at the same legal firm as Jane. Also, though she has the intelligence of Jane, Deb still acts like a total ditz, which is kind of an amusing juxtaposition. I never realized how much I'm used to characters playing a "type." But an overweight, smart lawyer who acts and talks like a valley girl.... That'll mess with your preconceived notions! Anyway, I think part of the reason I might like it so much is that they talk about grief and even deal with it on the show... and it's always respectful, but at the same time it's still a comedy. And honestly- it's hopeful... It's strange but you know... it's really a show about continuing life after a death... I mean it's mainly from the perspective of the person who died, so that's weird, but... honestly, it's dealing with the same issues that I deal with, and it's encouraging.

My British GPS would say, "Bi' of a weirdo, tha' one. Migh' be goin' a touch off  'er rockah."

Luckily, he can only tell me where to go- not throw in his snide commentary. But I know what he's thinking!

On a scale of one to ten (One being, perfectly normal and 10 being totally crazy pants), how healthy is personifying objects with sarcastic personality? Imma go with an 8.5. But that darn German judge gave it a 9.5. Such a hater, that one.

What about making up a German judge? That would be pretty normal, don't you think... I mean I wouldn't know, cause my German judges is, like, totally legit, and all... but you know... if he wasn't, I think that'd be pretty normal.

Kara once overheard a conversation between two guys while walking across campus, and she wrote it down in a note to share with me and it has since become part of the lore of our friendship. You should get one of us to tell you the full story sometime, but for now I will just give you the last two lines.

"I think you make up stuff just to piss me off."

"I do, man- but not this time."


  1. What are these new reaction buttons? Have I just not noticed them before? I am shocked, SHOCKED to find reaction boxes in this establishment!

    Seriously, though, I don't think there's anything weird about personifying objects. Or if there is, I am certifiably insane. The craziest thing I remember personifying was a milk bottle lid. I was doing the dishes, and I was rinsing out the milk bottle, and for some reason asked myself about the lid's story. I don't know if I was thinking about where it would go once I threw it away or what, but I remember wondering if it was crazy to try to make up a story for a milk bottle lid. I was probably 11 then, though. Maybe I was crazy and got better. And no, I have no idea what sort of story I made up for the bottle cap.

    So, in summary, at least your inanimate friends actually talk to you.

  2. Yeah... those reaction buttons have been there for at least a month.... and I blogged about them when I added them... Obliviousness: 1, Jonny: 0


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