Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Of Jams and Jellies

Yes, it's true. When I'm writing for "work" and my "work" happens from the hours of 11-3 approx. I lose my blogging time. Then it's 3 AM and I'm tired, and I just want to go to bed. I say "work" with the quotes cause honestly I'm enjoying it too much for it to really feel work-y-- plus I'm "working" in my pj's and that's hella awesome.

I have nails now that are all my own. Took off the fake ones and thus far have not been tempted to bite them at all! ...they feel sharp. I think I could slice someone up like Wolverine, right now.

I found out yesterday that my 10 year high school reunion and my cousin's wedding are on the same day. Bummer! I was actually going to go to my reunion, but family trumps reunion. (After the past year, I feel a lot closer to many of my classmates than I did when we were actually in school.) Growing up is weird.

And now, in honor of the snack that I want, but will not eat, because I really just want to go to bed...

You know what the best kind of jam is? Red plum. That's right. You can keep your grape or strawberry or even blackberry. Red Plum Jam is where it's at. Or even better? Plum Butter. You think you've died and gone to heaven.

You know what jelly isn't good? The mixed fruit kind that you got for school breakfast.  Remember that stuff?

School Breakfast: where the toast is oddly chewy and the jelly mixed of fruit.

1 comment:

  1. still so honored that you and Rhonda thought I wrote that song...


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