Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So carefully, carefully, with the plates.

Thank you for all your comments, both on Facebook and on my blog post from yesterday. It helps to know how many people are on my side... Sometimes I forget that the world I am so afraid of judging me also contains an awful lot of people who love me.

I went to a new restaurant in town today called the "Aviary Cafe and Creperie." It's downtown and it was *really* good. Really good. I recommend. And so does my friend Katie, who wrote a blog about it.

I want an adventure... but unfortunately my sense of responsibility precludes much adventuring.

Did you know that one time in college, Nathan and I and two other friends were sitting around talking about how we all just wanted to *do* something... and then somebody started talking about going to Santa Fe... and then we all up and decided to go. Only I backed out at the last minute cause I was directing a show and had practice the next day, among other responsibilities... I don't think they actually went all the way to Santa Fe... I think they stopped at Albuquerque... where the University of New Mexico is.

It was really hard, saying that I wasn't going to go... and then it was really lonely because all the people I was hanging out with had gone off on a grand adventure and I stayed put. I don't know why I didn't go... I like spontaneous... but I felt like I had things I couldn't flake out on... and I don't like it when people don't do what they say...

I wish I'd done that crazy thing.. I mean I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually that much fun once you got past the up-and-go endorphins... but... I dunno, tonight at least I wish I'd gone. If I had I could have seen Albuquerque with Nathan.

Nathan loved what the University of New Mexico looked like... so much so that he used to talk about taking me there someday, so I could experience it, too... that and the Santa Monica Pier.....

He went to Santa Monica on a mission trip to LA once... The one where Kara won on The Price is Right... he thought the pier was one of the prettiest places ever... but he never actually told me why he thought so... It could very well have been that the pier is pretty, but that he got really excellent customer service at a restaurant there, or that he met some kids and built a sandcastle with them or something... He was easily swayed by good experiences with people.

The problem with adventures, though is that I want companions and a quest and magical artifacts that I'll suddenly discover a use for mid-way through the journey. What good is adventuring on your own? Then it's just hard and lonely and you have no one to help set up camp.

Though for companions I would prefer it not be a bunch of dwarven men who will break all my plates... I have very pretty plates... they are green and blue streaked and square. But I'll make do with what I'm given, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. "What good is adventuring on your own? Then it's just hard and lonely and you have no one to help set up camp."

    I love this. And completely agree.


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