Thursday, May 26, 2011

This post brought to you by the looooong vowel

Look look! It's before 3AM, and I'm writing my blog post! Ok, it's just because I needed a break from working on video game stuff, but hey whatever works... Yes, I realize it's a bit strange that I'm taking a break from writing to write... but the *content* is so much different from each other that it still works.

I'm slightly hungry but I can't actually figure out what I want. I hate it when that happens. Seriously I can't even tell you if I'd rather have salty, sweet, or a mixture. Maybe I want a steak. Yeah, I'm not cooking a steak at 12:50 AM... but that does sound kinda good-- what taste is that? Umami? I think so.

By the way, yesterday, May 24th, I had to get gas. For the first time. Yes, you read that correctly. I went for 25 days without needing gas in my tank. I looooove my car. So much. Maybe I'll go even longer on this tank, considering there will be less driving to the other side of town just because I want to drive around in my car. It's amazing how many Prius's I see now that I have one. I know it's just cause I'm aware of it, but dag. It's a popular car.

Melissa and I have discovered an interesting personality test/type indicator. It's called, "Which Glee boy do you think is the most attractive?" It's really interesting, because there is such a wide range of boys on the show and (at least in the 3 people I've discussed this with) the answers vary a great deal. In fact, in every conversation both people have said, "Reaaaaally?!?" when the other person said who they thought was the most attractive. I for instance, cannot fathom a worldview in which Finn and Mr Schue are the most attractive men... I mean seriously?! And yet apparently no one else understands that Darren Criss is a dream boat. I'm not really sure if this game works as well for the girls on the show... possibly because I'm a girl and therefore don't pay as much attention to the attractiveness of the girls- I just think they are all pretty.... well ok, none of the guys are unfortunate looking... that's why the game is called "most attractive" not just "attractive." Then it would be a really boring game, cause there aren't a lot of tv stars that aren't attractive... well, except Tom Hanks but that man can act so well that it doesn't matter what he looks like. Seriously. his costar was once a deflated volleyball. And he pulled it off. That is some mad skillz, yo.

I think I need another laughing night. Let's have one...Or get a group of people to go karaoke-ing with. Seriously, people. Go karaoke-ing with me?! Or Rock Band, as long as I don't have to play instruments, cause I suuuuuck at that.


  1. I tried to get you to go karaoke-ing with me! I tried!

    The Glee boys are so young, I feel slightly ill at ease thinking about their attractiveness. Yes, I know they're all like 22 in real life. Still too young!

  2. We have Rock Band!

    April and I are out of town this weekend, but we'll plan a rock night soon :-)

  3. I score strangely on the Glee test - before Darren Chris, I was a Mr. Schue fan. Artie's ok too. So where does that put me? :)


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