Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mainly about food

To make sure I left the house today I went to Starbucks this afternoon.

Other than that I watched 2 movies, and worked for 7 hours on video game stuff. It's not that I don't support our troops, I do... it's just too hard to be reminded of my own brave soldier on days when you remember exactly what you were doing last year on this day. It was a day to try and distract myself from looking backwards by keeping busy and looking forward.

By the way, Sandy was allowed to go home from the hospital on Sunday. Thank you for your prayers, and let's pray that there isn't a reason to go back for a long time!

I needs to buy me some vegetables... My house is sorely lacking in the lettuce, celery, carrots, ect department, and I keep not going to the store. It's now getting to be summer. (I wore shorts outside today!) and that means I can handle eating not warm food. Seriously, in the winter I can't do it. In the winter some part of my food needs to be warm/hot. I don't want cold salads, heck, I don't even like cold sandwiches in the winter. I have to heat up the meat or toast the bread or something.  But now is the season of salad! Now is the time for some chicken salad from Millies. (Ach, I love that stuff... but it's not veggie laden, just cold...ish) Now is the time for some Apple Pecan Chicken Salad from Wendy's! Now is the time to go to the store and stop eating take-out vegetables! I think I might be hungry.

I found this sandwich recipe on pinterest today that looks divine. So divine that I'm shocked that Pioneer Woman hasn't made them.... but then again, maybe she has and I just never saw it. Anyway, it's a bunch of little ham and swiss (though I would use havarti or gouda) sandwiches made up on Hawaiian bread rolls and then there is the heavenly sounding mixture of all things unhealthy poured over it all, including butter, Worcestershire sauce, onion powder and I forget what all else. Marinated for several hours then put into the oven for like 20 minutes. *drool*

I've been groove sharking all weekend, since my Pandora ran out on Friday. I'm not sure that I prefer it to Pandora... but I do love that I can tell it to play all these Glee songs that weren't released to CD. So when I say I've been groovesharking what I really mean is that I've been rare Glee song-ing  all weekend.

Run, Joey, Run!

1 comment:

  1. I hate cold food in the winter, too! I love salads in their season, but in the winter, they just make me sad. Winter is the time for vegetable soup.


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