Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today, I had a "business" meeting and then I worked on a video game for a few hours. And when I say "worked on a video game" I mean that I literally worked on one, not played one. I think this is incredibly awesome sauce.

Several people have mentioned lately that I didn't have any plates on my new car (though I have a temporary dealer's permit, so don't you worry about me being illegal.) Enough people (read: both a mom and a dad) mentioned it to me that I started to get paranoid that I had misunderstood what I needed to do, and I was just frittering away my 30 days trusting to the universe to work everything out, when I needed to be taking action. So today I took action, and e-mailed the lady who I originally spoke to about the new plates and all. :Side note: Yes, I do love the world in which I live, where I can send a digital letter rather than calling someone on the phone. Hooray for e-mails bringing written correspondence back into vogue. :End side note: Anyway the lady e-mailed me back and reassured me that I would be getting everything in the mail that I would need other than my updated insurance card (got that last week!) and my personal property tax receipt from last year. Check! So my mind was put back at ease. And then when I came home, lo and behold, there it all was in the mail. My e-mail trumped the universe attempting to reassure me.

Also, my dear friend Melissa has introduced me to this website called "Pinterest." It's ridiculously addicting to me. It's basically an online "idea book" or bulletin board. If you come across something you really like you "pin" it to your wall(s) You can have several categories, including fashion, food, decoration, ect. Also you can see what other people are pinning, and browse the most  popular things to re-pin to your wall. My problem is that there is a waiting list to join, so while I wait I have a browser that is just full of pages I want to pin, but can't because I don't have a wall to pin it to.  I will be wasting hours and hours and hours... and hours. Why you ask? Because you can find pictures like this:

Which I find both stunning as an image and desirous as a future architectural detail/inspiration. Yes, Please!

Then you scroll down the page about an inch and find
Do I really need to explain any further why I heart this website? It's used by my people... my kindred... my heart mates.

... at least visually speaking.


  1. I got a Pinterest account and I love it. It's definitely a time-waster, but there are so many pretty pictures. I've been planning my dream house with it.

  2. At some point we need to have a party and try to make all the crazy food ideas we've found. Including rainbow eggs :)

  3. Please invite me to that party! :) I've been waiting for an opportunity to make Peep sushi.

    I'll see your rainbow jello eggs and raise you one tiny jello watermelon.

    So! Cute!

  4. Love that picture (well, both - really) - and your usage of desirous. WC+


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