Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fun with Font Sizes

Productive day-- but it's always a productive day when you get gift AND grocery shopping done, do laundry, and do dishes.

Why are you looking at me like that?




Yes, I bought some nail polish. But only one bottle!! And it's nothing like any other kind I have.

Go to this blog if you want to see what it looks like... and please note when you do that there are people in this world who love nail polish far far more than I do, so obviously I'm not the crazy one in this relationship.

How gorgeous was it outside today, huh?

Dang it!! Stop staring at me!

Fine, ok, yes, I also bought some shirts while I was at Kohl's.  But they were both 50% off!

And you know what? I *didn't* buy a swimsuit that would be absolutely no use to me since I cannot swim. That's right. I didn't buy it despite the fact that it looked super cute on me and let's just not get into why I even tried it on in the first place.

Let's just focus on how I didn't buy a super duper cute swimsuit and not the fact that I had Starbucks twice today...

The second time only cost 2 dollars though! That's something, right?

: |

I can feel you judging me, right now. I can *feel* it.

1 comment:

  1. If you visit us this summer, you could wear it in our pool, it's only four foot deep so you don't have to be able to swim.


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