Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grumpy Hermitage

I was a hermit today.

I read a book tonight which is a pretty hermit-y thing to do.

I really don't like stories where the main character doesn't get what he/she wants in the end. Like, what the heck!?! You are going to spend this many pages making us care about the character- Making us identify and laugh and love the character and then at the end you are gonna try and make us be content with a partial happiness?

That's not good enough. In fact, it's total crap.

I want the ending to be happy. I could care less if it's the traditional (aka "predictable") route. If you are going to write a love story the characters need to be in love in the end. None of this "My Best Friend's Wedding" crap.

If you are going to write a coming of age then the character needs to grow and mature into the person we always knew (s)he could be.

If you are writing a mystery someone has to cleverly put all the piece together in the end likely with great peril to themselves.

You may have gathered I'm irritated at the book I just read.

I really liked this character. I'm mad that I'm supposed to be satisfied with an ending that doesn't give her what she wants, even though she's worked so hard and done so much for everyone else.

I know that a lot of people don't love Twilight, but honestly say what you will about Stephanie Meyer. She keeps her authorial promises.

Maybe that's what this comes down to. I can't stand it when someone doesn't keep their promises. Just don't make a promise if you aren't going to fulfill it (or at least try.)

Also I obviously hate leaving my "entertainment" feeling more depressed and fed up with life than I did when I started.


  1. "Gwenhwyfar: White Spirit" by Mercedes Lackey. It's her version of the Arthurian legend


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