Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stream of consciousness

Greetings from beyond the void.

I don't really know what void I'm referring to, I just wanted to say that.

Dude. I went to bed at 1 AM last night. No foolin'!

That isn't happening tonight. Tonight I have to curl my hair and paint my nails.... and cut them- (my nails, not my hairs) - They are at the too-long stage.... that and I have one super short one that will seem less short if I cut the rest of them.

Is it weird that I keep my curling iron and a mirror by my computer chair so that I can watch a TV show while I curl my hair?? It takes 45 minutes to curl if I'm watching a tv show and about 25 if I'm not. But if I'm not there is a lot of standing around staring at myself in the mirror, so really I'm being efficient with my time. You gotta respect that, even if you do think I spend too much time on my hair.


Ok fine whatever, do what you want.

I'm a terrible disciplinarian.

I want a snack.

OK really I want a bowl of cereal...

Ok *Really* I want a bowl of frosted Rice Krispies.  But I'm out.

I was going to make a comment about sugary cereal, but actually, as cereals go it's not that bad. I looked it up.

Oh Noooes! I left my Mini Snickers in Jon and Katie's freezer.

Seriously. Mini Snickers, plus freezer equals my favorite... or at least my top 5 favorite.

I don't think I understand what favorite means.

Man, my stream of consciousness is more like one of those zig-zaggy sluices they have at the tourist trap gold/gem mining places.

1 comment:


    Ok, actually, I won't eat your snickers. We're not even home right now. (Katie)


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