Monday, May 7, 2012


If you could see my Spotify account you would be amazed at how many times I've listened to the Maroon 5 "Payphone" song.


I'm really tired.

The rain is trying to lull me to sleep...

Plus it was a big day... full of lots of events and thoughts and conversations...

And I looked really great this morning at church, and honestly, that can be pretty exhausting.

*L* yeah I did just say that... apparently being super sleepy makes me not so humble.

but my legs were shaved, so I could wear a dress... and you know you gotta wear a dress when you can.

Can I get an amen, girls?!

I know men have to shave their face everyday if they want to be clean shaven but girls definitely got the ridiculous part of the hair fashion.

Why do my legs have to be hairless for them to be attractive??

I don't know, but I buy into it just as much as anyone else. If I had unlimited funds I'd be laser hair removing my legs. Before lipo, before getting lasik, before travelling for 3 months in Europe, I'd do laser hair removal on my legs. I hate shaving-- I never actually get it all.

I swear I'm not as shallow as this post makes me sound.

It's the rain. Rain makes people sound shallow.

Shallow Sound is going to be the name of my Enya cover band.

You know I'm a genius.

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