Thursday, May 3, 2012


I've thought of some things I should have labeled the deer post-- or at least I've come up with words that I should have used in said post.


I know.. totally genius, but totally too late. Alas.

So something I was thinking about today after my writing critique.

A lot of times when I'm writing I put escape hatches into my writing/characters. Like I will write something really cheesy and then have the character think that it's really cheesy (as if, I, the author am saying, "See! I know it's cheesy! I'm totally aware!")

But the characters actually read more the way I want them to, if they *don't* have the escape hatches.

aka, noone was thinking it was too cheesy until you said it was and then they notice it.

I think this is probably a lesson I should apply to life as well as to writing.

Oh and PS I got my GRE scores in the mail.

 I think it's because I complained about it on my blog yesterday. I'm in the 96th percentile for verbal- which is awesome. I didn't do as well in the other sections, and my high school self would have been appalled... but I try to remind high school me that I hadn't used those math skills since she was me and I only studied for a week. I'm in the 61st percentile for Quantitative (Math) and my writing sample was in the 72nd percentile. I'd be more concerned about that last one, but having 30 minutes to write and put together a cohesive argument is completely ridiculous in my humble opinion.



Putting that 96th percentile to good use, here folks.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this:

    Although I have issues with TV Tropes. No one can remember all those names. And sometimes stories are similar because *human lives* have similar events-- not because they're cliche.

    Deermergency. Deersaster. Deerrorism.

    Yup, that's fun!


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