Monday, May 14, 2012

Stiff Upper Lip

Today I was driving to Celito Lindo to have lunch with Kara. And out of nowhere I almost started to cry.

I may have mentioned before that I'm not exactly thrilled that Kara is moving halfway across the country?

In case I didn't, I'm not exactly thrilled.

Yes, they did move the timeline up a month earlier than I was expecting... but I knew this was coming. How does one form a stiffer upper lip?

(By the way, a "stiff upper lip" is called such because at some point it was determined that it's your upper lip that trembles when you are upset?  Does your upper lip tremble? It's my lower lip that trembles. Crazy Brits.)

But here's the thing I was thinking about today as I held back the tears: As sucky as it is for me.... it's worse for Josh and Kara.

Ok, yes, it is technically their decision, but they really and truly believe that it's what God wants them to do. And believing that, it's what they have to do.

And they are making a lot of sacrifices to do what they think God wants.

They aren't just leaving Kara's best friend.

(Though that's a big deal, to be perfectly clear.)

They are also leaving all of their other friends.

They are leaving people they've known for more than 10 years.

They are leaving people that they trust to take care of their child.

They are leaving all their favorite restaurants, and stores, and shortcuts and neighborhoods and general familiarity with the city.

Not only that but they are leaving their parents.

"Mom and Dad" aren't going to just be a 4 hour car trip away anymore.

Kara's sister just moved closer to her and now Kara's about to move to Philadelphia.

That's a lot. That's a whole lot to give up to uncertainty and prayer.

As hard as this is on me, it's got nothing on how hard it must be on them.

So I'm going to try and do everything I can to help... perhaps I should have started by not listing off all the things they are going to miss, but I think it needs to stay, because I need to remember that I'm losing three very important people from my "everyday" but they are losing almost every important person.

So I'm going to be around when they need help with packing. And I'm going to be moral support. And I'm going to love them as much as I can while they are here, and I kinda think you should, too if you know them.

I won't stop being awesome so that it's easier to leave me.

After all, I still want to feature prominently in Kara's sermons!

 But short of changing my personality, I want to be there for them as much as I can, because though it effects me tremendously, it's just not about me.

It's their adventure and I want to be the best support I can be.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe if you hold the upper lip very stiff it will steady the bottom one.

    Moving away from your bff sucks. Why is the world so cruel to split bffs apart? I made the mistake of making Jon & Katie's my last stop when leaving Springfield and that was really stupid. You can't properly navigate a moving truck when you are sobbing bitter tears of friendship.


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