Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Metatarsal Miracle

So today I dropped a tool box on my foot.

Ok, to be fair I didn't drop it. The handle broke, and it fell on my foot.

To give you a bit of perspective, that's the handle of a large rolling cooler next to it.
That's the toolbox.

Here's the thing- that behemoth is full... I can barely pick it up, and I had just gotten it to the height of my hand standing straight up when the handle broke.

It fell on my first metatarsal bone (Yeah, I just looked that word up- here's a diagram!)

So it fell about 2 feet (I measured) onto my foot and then bounced off of it.

Bounced off.

Like it hit a flippin' trampoline made of foot.

I would weigh the tool box but I'm a little afraid to pick it up now and unsure if I even could get it on the scale.

So it fell and bounced off and I just stood there in shock and then it started hurting like crazy and I hobbled to my couch where I laid down and put my foot up on the back and tried not to cry.

I managed not to cry, but I was sure I'd broken it. I could see a bruise forming immediately and it hurt like the dickens.

So I laid there in my hurt and pondered what I would do if I actually had broken it and wondered how I'd drive because it was my right foot, and where the closest painkillers were.

But then the pain started lessening (without medication.)

And by then I was bored laying on the couch so I decided to take my chances and I stood up gingerly... and it was ok.

And then I made lunch and it was ok.

And then I went upstairs and the first step hurt a little, but then it was ok.

And that bruise that I saw start forming immediately?

It never got any worse.
A foot model I will never be.
Seriously, I'm pretty sure none of you know my feet well enough to even be able to recognize the bruise. It's the line below my big toe that sorta looks like a shadow. It's not a shadow, that's the line of  where my 1st metatarsal (multiple uses means you remember it better!) bone is that got smashed when the tool box came crashing down.

It might be a bit ridiculous to say, but it sorta feels like a miracle.

A metatarsal miracle.

My massage therapist friend was over tonight and I showed her the box and had her try to pick it up and she said she didn't understand how my foot wasn't shattered.

Interesting fact I learned today- I only yell out in pain if there is someone to hear it. Apparently yelling for me is about attention, not releasing any sort of emotion.

I didn't know that. I've always yelled when I hurt myself... but I'm nearly always near someone.

But today, I was alone and I just whimpered.

I tell you what. I'm built "farm tough."

Didn't mean to rhyme there... Consider that a freebie from me to you.

You know, since you normally pay per rhyme on my blog. ;)

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