Monday, April 4, 2011

Drip, drip, drop, little April shower

Gorgeous day in sunny MO... Right now, at 12:40, my phone tells me it is still 73 degrees... that's a good day.

There are so many good days out there... so many days with gorgeous weather and people jogging and walking their dogs and the like...The day that Nathan died it got to 70 degrees... January 29th. 70 degrees... It's like the weather gave him a going away party... and then it threw itself a pity party after he was gone, and dumped a blizzard on us. Nathan left as the sun rose... He proposed to me as the sun rose, too... Those are two sunrises I think I'll never forget. I think I'll prefer the sunset for a long time to come.

Apparently my mind is going for a stream of consciousness blog tonight. Fair enough.

I shared some of my Mercedes Lackey collection with a friend tonight... I hope to get her hooked and have another convert on my side. I think odds are good since she also loves Tamora Pierce. Ach, Tamora freaking Pierce. I still read her new stuff when she comes out with it... if only she were as prolific as Ms. Lackey.

Realized the other day that I'm now a Ms. And I thought going from Miss to Mrs. was weird. Luckily I don't have to be called by that every day like I did when I was teaching.... Seriously, Miss Miller sounded so ancient.... Like the nanny of the chipettes on The Great Chipmunk Adventure. This fun movie from the 80's... you know, before they had to bastardize everything and CGI it... noooo, I'm not bitter at all that they took my beloved chipmunks and made them sing the Single Ladies song... Take the "Ladies" out of the chipmunks and put it back into Glee where it belongs!

Just don't tell Losiah that he can't be a single lady... It just breaks my little heart.

Now it's raining... not a big horrible storm..... Just the drip drip drop of little April showers, beating a tune as it falls all around... I hated the Bambi movie growing up... but I'll be darned if I don't think of quotes from it all the time.

ok, last video, and then I'm off to bed.

Love you all, like a beautiful day and then a gently falling rain.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh I made the mistake of watching another "single ladies" video after that one... thinking it was a toddler in a leotard... and it was NOT a toddler....


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