Friday, April 15, 2011

The "One"

I watched a movie today in which science had figured out a way to put a timer on your wrist that would count down the time until you met your soul mate... And people kept referring to their person as "the one." The main character had a timer, but hers was blank (which meant that her "one" didn't have a timer yet.) Now, I know the physics of this whole premise is insane... but I couldn't help but think how nice it would be, to just know, without a doubt who the "one" for you is. Only that's also where I ran into a problem with the movie. There was a widower in the movie... and he didn't have a timer. And eventually he gets a timer... and it has a count down... and so that means (it is inferred) that his 1st wife wasn't his "one." And that's where it all falls apart... Because if this is the person as they keep saying over and over that "you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with"... what happens when their life ends and yours doesn't? Does the timer reset with a new person? Does the new person's timer suddenly start up? How long does that take? Or is that just it? You don't get a new person. You had your one, and that's all there is. I pretty well hate all of these scenarios... Cause I think that Nathan was my one... but I also think there is another "one" out there somewhere... I have to think that. I can't give up being a romantic just because he's gone... it's too deeply ingrained into who I am. God is taking care of me in so many ways... I can't believe... I *won't* believe that He doesn't have a plan for this, too.

It's a short post tonight... I drank one of those bottled frappuchinos that you buy when you want some Starbucks, but don't want to go get it, and now I'm getting pretty sleepy... yes, that's right, I ingest caffeine and then get tired. I'm a whack job.

But I'm a loveable whack job.

And adorable. I'm totally adorable. Just trust me on that one. I'm an adorable, loveable whack job.

with delusions of grandeur,

and delusions of ducklings.

Only not so much that last one.


  1. I agree with you on the "one" thing. I heard someone preaching on something similar to this a few weeks ago...God gives us choices, and wisdom in choosing, and He also knows what we're going to end up choosing. I think a number of us very well could have more than one "one" out there.

  2. I sympathize, though the issue doesn't touch quite as close to home. I've had a lot of discomfort with these sort of romance tropes in my adult life, if nothing else, because they don't match real romance's complexity and beauty.


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