Monday, August 20, 2012

A Suitcase Story

Yesterday's word was: Saboteur.

FFotD: 1776 was a leap year. So, if a person was born on Feb 29, 1776 then they only technically turned 59 this year.

I woke up this morning and got ready to go... got all my stuff out the front door but I couldn't carry my suitcase and the pictures I was taking and my laptop case and my purse all at once so I left my suitcase on the porch.

I got the other stuff in the car and it was such a splendid morning that I decided to take some pictures around the house...

PS I love the camera on my iphone.

Then I got in my car and left for church.

When my parents finally got back home from church they saw my suitcase exactly where I'd left it... on their porch.

Luckily, I had an aunt and uncle who were heading to Jeff City so when Mom and Dad found it they drove it back to Memphis, and then my aunt and uncle drove it to me in Macon where I had stopped because I could go no further, aware of my loss, as I was. I'm so glad they were going my way cause that would have added 3 hours on my trip otherwise.

 Then my suitcase and I were reunited.

and it felt so good.

Oh and here are two pictures I took on my drive...

This was pre-suitcase discovery

This was post suitcase recovery. Look at those clouds and sunbeams!


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