Sunday, August 19, 2012

14 of 30

Yesterday's word was parallel. Fun fact: I just spelled parallel correctly on the first try for the first time possibly ever.

The return of the list!

14. Describe 5 strengths you have.

I could just cheat and send you to my Strengthsfinder blog post.

I won't, I'll pick out 5 different strengths. But I don't think you should discount that post if you want a more objective viewpoint.

So five strengths....

1) I think I have a pretty good sense of style/design. I've not been trained in it beyond a great high school art teacher and a few classes in college, but I really enjoy it and I like my own taste, at least.

2) I'm good at knowing what people are feeling and why they are acting certain ways. I can usually instinctively put together the varying factors in their lives and understand what the underlying emotions are- even when it's "thinkers" who think they don't actually have feelings, or bury them down super deep.

3) I'm generally happy. I think that's a strength, even though it might not be the first thing that occurs to people when pondering strength.

4) I'm low-key and laid back and I think that's a strength, too. Not very much really ruffles my feathers. I don't think that causing a fuss is worth it. I think things will work out and getting stressed out usually just makes it all worse. Sometimes you can't help it, but I think I might have more control over my emotions than most feelers do.

5) I'm very accepting of who people are. I don't try to change them or manipulate them, and I don't mind the inconsistencies in people's thoughts or actions (at least normally.) People's personal paradoxes don't bother me. Doesn't mean I agree with everything, but I can accept their opinions as having nothing to do with me or my right to my own opinion. I don't think we have to agree to get along.

OK, lest I become my own sleep schedule saboteur, I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow I'm headed back to Springtown after church, and I like to be well rested for long drives... you know, not to mention the whole "starting grad school classes" this week.

I've had 2 beautiful alliterations in the last 2 paragraphs. I heart alliteration. :)


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