Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Very Big Whirlwind

I rearranged my movie collection this evening and finally found my lost Netflix... I've had "I Am Number Four" since before I moved, but it was lost and I finally found it.

I thought it was great.

Here's the thing. I don't have refined tastes in movies. I don't appreciate artsy things enough, and I can't discuss at length why I do or don't like a movie until days after the fact.

That said, Nathan was always shocked because if I said I wanted to see a movie, he normally liked it. Even if I sorta had to drag him to the screen, once he started watching it he really liked it. He called it my sixth sense about movies. Eventually he started trusting me about what movies we should see, but it did take a while. And of course there were movies that he wanted to see and enjoyed that I didn't even a little bit.

I'm speaking at church tomorrow. I'm finally starting to get a few butterflies about it. But hopefully it will all go alright. If the recording works I'll link it on here when it's posted.

And then Monday is New Grad Student Orientation.

And then Tuesday I start my Grad Assistantship

And then this weekend I go home.

And then the next Tuesday I start classes.

It's all a very big whirlwind of changes.

Honestly it might be all that stuff I'm feeling butterflies about, rather than about speaking. Who knows.

Do you ever get that tingling on the back of your neck? Like all your nerves are super alive cause you know your life is about to change?

1 comment:

  1. um, yes. and trust can be so very, very hard. school this fall will bring ginormous changes to our safe little family of four. i'm going back to work, and the boys are being thrown into an entirely new experience. i got the tingles going on, too. but i don't think that's a bad thing... you will LOVE grad school. i would love to go back. the learning, the discussing, the growing. i'm excited for you!


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