Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I love college.

I love my job.

I'm really excited to be going back to school.

I know that at some point in the middle of the semester when my life is happening all around me and I feel completely overwhelmed, I'm not going to be so thrilled, but right now I *love* it.

I said before that it feels like coming home, and it really does. I wasn't ready to leave college when I did. But it was time to graduate, so I matriculated and away I went.

But I'm back and it's just wonderful.

My supervisor is like constantly impressed with me.

And she would have guessed I was 22. She was visibly shocked when I said I just turned 29.

Of course, now that she knows my real age maybe she won't be so surprised at my competency.

But still.

I learned a new word today: Parvenu. It means "a person who has recently or suddenly acquired wealth, importance, position, or the like, but has not yet developed the conventionally appropriate manners, dress, surroundings, etc."  (according to dictionary.com) The Beverly Hillbillies were parvenus.

I also learned that a group of alligators is called a congregation.

That's funny stuff.

In conclusion, Grad School = the shizzle.

Also, the restaurant is pretty fan-freakin-tastic, too.

Oh and my mom got me nail stickers for my birthday... and I did these last night.



  1. Congregation. Yesterday's word? Don't leave me hanging! I'm back to school, so I need that daily boost!

    1. 1776. Kara made it hard, but that give me more points!

  2. What classes are you taking again?

    1. Theory and Form of Fiction- Neuman, Advanced Writing: Fiction- Blackmon, and Shakespeare- T Baumlin

  3. Yesterday's word was a toughie: 1776. Renee predicted that no one would get it. My bad guys. Chalk one up to Renee.

    I thought that with my being in Philadelphia and all, the connection to me would be way obvious. I guess I'm not as big of a deal as I thought I was... :C

  4. Oopa, I meant, "My bad, guys." Without the comma though it's funny. Like I have bad guys, personal ones, that belong to me. Haha!

    I crack myself up! But then, I'm also on not one, but two medications that have drowsiness as a side effect, so maybe it's just that then...

  5. Oops, I meant oops. I'm going to stop commenting now.


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